Health & Wellness – FirstLight Home Care Tue, 02 Apr 2024 15:50:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Spring Cleaning for Senior Safety: Tips and Tricks Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:11:16 +0000 Spring cleaning for senior safety is more than just an opportunity to freshen up the home. It’s a crucial time to ensure their living environment is safe and supportive. With the right approach, spring cleaning for senior safety can help prevent accidents and enhance the overall comfort of seniors’ homes.

Assessing Home Hazards

The first step in safe cleaning for seniors is to identify potential hazards that could pose a risk. Common issues include slippery floors, clutter that can cause tripping and areas of the home with poor lighting. Make sure floors are dry and slip-resistant, remove clutter and improve lighting with lamps, plug-in night lights, etc. This proactive approach can greatly reduce the chances of falls and accidents. Spring cleaning for seniors can also help to make them healthier by removing allergens and germs from the air and surfaces.

Decluttering and Organizing

Clutter not only makes a home feel cramped but also increases the risk of falls. Take this spring-cleaning season to declutter and organize your loved one’s space. Clear pathways, dispose of or donate items that are no longer needed and organize daily essentials within easy reach. Simple actions like these can make a big difference in creating a safer environment for seniors. 

Deep Cleaning for Safety

Deep cleaning areas like the bathroom and kitchen is essential to eliminate germs and prevent infections. Prioritize these zones, using safe cleaning products and techniques. For seniors, it’s particularly important to use cleaning supplies that are not too harsh, as they can irritate sensitive skin or cause respiratory issues.

Improving Accessibility 

For seniors, especially those with mobility issues or disabilities, making the home more accessible is a key safety measure. Consider installing grab bars in the bathroom, placing non-slip mats in slippery areas and possibly integrating ramps for easier access.

FirstLight Home Care Senior Safety Tips 

The essence of spring cleaning for seniors revolves around creating a secure, comfortable and easily navigable living environment. By implementing the senior home safety tips discussed, you and your loved one can work together to ensure their home is a safe haven. Remember, maintaining a clean and organized space is not just about aesthetics—it’s a critical aspect of senior safety and well-being. For those who need additional support, FirstLight Home Care is here to provide compassionate and professional care to seniors, ensuring their home is a place of safety and comfort. Reach out today.  

Self-Care Tips for Family Caregivers: Prioritizing Your Wellbeing Fri, 23 Feb 2024 17:58:09 +0000 Oftentimes, the stress that comes with being a family caregiver can make it difficult to maintain a positive attitude. Not taking care of yourself physically and mentally can, in turn, make it harder to be a caregiver for your loved one. FirstLight Home Care is always here to offer caregiver support, and one way to uplift caregivers is by reminding them to practice self-care.

Understanding the Importance of Self-Care

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness and increase your energy. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have a big impact.” If you aren’t in a position to take care of yourself, how can you expect to be the best caregiver possible for your loved one?

Common Challenges Faced by Family Caregivers

Practicing self-care isn’t always easy. Most people, especially family caregivers, have busy schedules managing the care of a loved one along with the needs of their family, friends and employers. Typically, the caregiver puts themselves last and, when they do take time to focus on their own needs, they tend to feel guilty.

Self-Care Strategies for Family Caregivers

It is important to carve out time for yourself now and then. Here are some ways to get started with your self-care.

Physical Self-Care

Exercise daily. Being active can help you both physically and mentally. Staying active can boost your mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and not to mention, help you shed extra weight.

Do something you enjoy every day. Engaging in a hobby has been shown to reduce stress and it can even activate genes that increase immunity and decrease inflammation.

Emotional Self-Care

Ask for help. Big or small, ask family and friends to help you so that you can find time for yourself. FirstLight Home Care is also here to provide the respite care you need.

Keep a gratitude journal. Allocate time (as little as 10 minutes) each day to write down all the things you’re thankful for, or simply use the opportunity to jot down whatever is on your mind. As you write, mentally release those things onto the page to help clear your head.

Mental Self-Care

Unplug for an hour. Go on a media and technology fast, and turn off any unnecessary electronic devices, even if it’s just for an hour a day. Unplug and enjoy the stillness of your space.

Find ways to relax. Start with your breathing. When stressed, breathing is usually flat, short and labored. Our breath goes into our upper chest or shoulders and this type of breathing increases tension. Focus on deeper, slower breaths. In this type of diaphragm breathing, the stomach pushes out as the breath goes in, creating a calming effect.

Social Self-Care

Stay connected to others. Carve out an hour each week to be with someone you enjoy spending time with. If they’re far away, give them a phone call.

Caregiver Support – FirstLight Home Care

If you feel you need more time to focus on your needs and practice self-care, FirstLight Home Care can provide caregiving services for your loved one. Our care professionals give you a temporary break while making sure your family member has the care and support they need. Reach out today to learn more.

Signs It Might Be Time to Hire a Caregiver – FirstLight Home Care Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:03:23 +0000 Families often face various obstacles in ensuring their loved one’s well-being. Recognizing the signs that indicate the need for professional caregiving services is crucial. FirstLight Home Care stands as a trusted provider of in-home caregiving solutions, offering comprehensive and compassionate professional caregiving assistance. When your loved one’s needs have extended beyond a little bit of extra support, it might be time to consider in-home care.

They Need Help with Personal Hygiene

If you’ve noticed a change in your loved one’s dressing or bathing habits, it could be an early sign of a decline in their health and an indication that they need extra care.

They’re Not Safe Living on Their Own

If your loved one has left the house and got lost, they’ve mentioned or you’ve noticed a decline in their vision or hearing or they are experiencing mobility issues, it may be time for professional caregiver assistance. Other situations, like multiple slips and falls, chronic forgetfulness or not eating regularly can also be red flags that professional care is needed.

They’re Missing Doctor’s Appointments

With age, comes more doctor’s appointments. If, however, your loved one is missing them because they forget, they don’t want to leave the house or they are not able to drive, it could dramatically affect their overall health.

They’re Lonely

Chronic isolation harms physical, emotional and mental health. A caregiver can ensure your family member is getting the company and conversation they need by visiting with them regularly, playing games or cards or even sharing a meal. 

They Exhibit Physical and Emotional Changes

If you’ve noticed physical or behavioral changes in a family member or someone close in your life, it may be time for them to get help. Noticeable changes in physical health include: unexplained weight loss or gain, difficulty managing personal hygiene and increased frequency of accidents or falls. Cognitive decline is also a potential cause for concern and could be anything from forgetfulness and memory issues to difficulty in making decisions. FirstLight Home Care specializes in compassionate care for individuals experiencing cognitive decline. 

The Case for Hiring a Caregiver

Many adults today are part of the Sandwich Generation, providing caregiver services to their parents while also raising their own children. This can put a lot of stress on the family. At FirstLight Home Care, our goal is to alleviate that stress. 

When you realize that an older adult in your family needs extra help, a few options come to mind: move them to an assisted living community, hire a professional caregiver or move in with them to do the caregiving yourself. This is a challenging decision for many people and requires some serious thought. Before you make a decision, consider these points:


According to an AARP report, family caregivers are estimated to have provided 36 billion hours of unpaid care worth $600 billion in 2021. The average family caregiver also spends more than $7,200 a year in out-of-pocket costs for transportation and other needs. Many adult child caregivers have to leave their jobs to properly take care of their loved ones. Without a job, you not only lose income but also lose input to social security and a personal retirement fund. 


Your loved one may need trips to the doctor, medications, help with paying bills, cooking and cleaning help, etc. If you take this on yourself, it could mean less time with your own family and friends and less flexibility for days off or vacation time.

Personal Health

Consider the toll it can take on the overall well-being of a family caregiver. The longer a family member spends as a caregiver, the more likely they are to put their own health at risk.


If you plan to take care of your parent or loved one, there are many logistics to consider. Will you stay in your home or move in with them? Do you have the time to look after them? What is your work schedule like? Are you able to provide transportation?

Emotional Toll

While caregiving has many rewards, it can often result in chronic stress or depression and can even bring on feelings of anger, frustration and loneliness.

Caregiver Services – FirstLight Home Care

If you are considering being the primary caregiver for a loved one, weigh these options and see if you can manage your time, money and health well enough to do so. If the answer is no, and your loved one wishes to stay at home, then it might be time to hire a caregiver from a reputable, professional caregiver assistance program like FirstLight Home Care. Reach out today for more information. 

Senior Home Care – Creating a Safe Home Environment for Seniors During the Holidays | FirstLight Home Care Fri, 15 Dec 2023 17:37:20 +0000 The holiday season is a special time to spend with family, friends and loved ones, but often the hustle and bustle of the season can pose difficulties for seniors. At FirstLight Home Care, we believe it is important to create a safe, comfortable and festive home environment for seniors.

Senior Comfort During Holidays

While the holidays can be a time of joy and celebration, they can also be somewhat challenging for the elderly as they often experience loneliness and isolation. Here are some ideas of how you can spread cheer with your loved ones this holiday season:

  • Deck the halls with some of their beloved holiday decorations such as wreaths, garlands and ornaments.
  • Set aside time to bake holiday cookies, candy or other seasonal favorites together. You can even do this virtually if you are not able to visit in person.
  • Watch their favorite holiday movie. If you cannot be there, FirstLight Home Care Services can provide caregivers who also make great movie-watching companions. 
  • Drive through your neighborhood to take in some of the holiday light displays and decorations.
  • Eat a traditional holiday meal together. Family recipes can evoke special memories from years past. 

Importance of Holiday Safety for Senior Home Care

The holidays and winter in general can be a challenging time for seniors, especially those who require extra support at home. With festive decorations, cooking and entertaining, the risk of falls, fires and other accidents increases.

Reducing Fall Risks & Fire Hazards

Falls are a common occurrence in the elderly, and the holiday season can increase the risk of falls due to additional clutter, holiday décor, icy walkways and crowds. Avoiding falls during the holidays is important. To minimize the risk, ensure that your loved one’s home is free of clutter, that carpets are secured and slippery floors are cleaned regularly. Ensure that outdoor areas are free of ice and snow and that pathways are well-lit. To reduce the risk of fire, check that all electrical cords and outlets are in good condition, decorations are flame-resistant and smoke detectors are installed and functioning properly. Additionally, ensure the stove and oven are turned off after use, and never leave food cooking unattended.

Safe Holiday Decorations for Seniors

Holiday decorations can create a festive atmosphere that lifts spirits and brings joy. Consider senior-friendly holiday decorating that is safe for your loved one, including battery-operated candles and lights, shatter-proof ornaments and a flame-resistant artificial tree. Also make sure to limit the number of decorations that obstruct hallways and walking pathways.

FirstLight Home Care For Seniors

The holiday season can be overwhelming for older adults but taking the time to create a comfortable and safe environment for seniors can provide peace of mind for the entire family. As you prepare for the holidays, remember that a few simple adjustments can help make the season enjoyable for everyone. If you are a family caregiver and you need help tackling all the things that come with the holiday season, request more information about FirstLight Home Care services from your local office. Our extraordinary caregivers can provide companion care, respite care and elder care solutions at home, or in any setting, now and throughout the new year.

Promoting Healthy Aging: Guide to Celebrating Healthy Aging Month Fri, 15 Sep 2023 16:17:15 +0000 As we age, taking care of our physical and mental health becomes even more important. September is recognized as Healthy Aging Month, a time to celebrate the many lifestyle strategies for seniors and senior health tips for aging gracefully.

“Eat right and exercise.” We’ve heard this message all our lives. But for those over the age of 50, this message is even more important. Countless studies have proven that staying active and eating properly can help older adults achieve a higher quality of life and can help them live longer too.

Aging and Mental Health: Activities To Improve Your Mental Health

One in five older adults experiences mental health concerns that are not a normal part of aging—the most common of which are anxiety or mood disorders including depression.

Mental health is as important as physical health. Good mental health contributes to an overall feeling of well-being, impacting your stress levels, memory, sleep and how you think and feel about yourself. There are many ways you can improve your mental health, but here are three important activities FirstLight Home Care often helps clients participate in:

Physical Activity

Focus on emotional and cognitive health with regular physical activity. While physical activity produces chemicals in the body that promote emotional well-being, inactivity can make depression, anxiety and stress worse.

Social Activity

Focus on emotional health by staying in touch with friends, family and the greater community. Whether physically healthy or ill, people who feel connected to others are more likely to age gracefully than socially isolated people.

Positive Thinking

Focus on positive thinking for a longer, happier life. Those kinds of thoughts can create real value and help reduce stress. Positive thinking and optimism on health can even lower depression, improve coping skills during times of stress and psychological and physical well-being.

Good Nutrition and Aging

Smart food choices are part of promoting healthy aging. Eating the right foods with the proper nutrients, while being mindful of the appropriate proportion sizes, is vital. As we age, our bodies can become less tolerant of certain foods. We tend to eat less. And our teeth and gums can change, making it difficult to chew certain fruits, vegetables or meats. These changes make it even more important for our elderly loved ones to focus on good nutrition, including:

Drink plenty of liquids

With age, you may lose some of your sense of thirst. Drink water often to stay hydrated. Limit beverages that have lots of added sugars.

Eat your veggies

Include a variety of different colored vegetables at mealtime. Most vegetables are a low-calorie source of nutrients and a good source of fiber.

Flavor up your meals

With age, our sense of smell and taste may change. Medicines can also influence how foods taste. A healthy way to add flavor to meals is with herbs and spices.

Social eating

Eating alone can be depressing and can lead to a poor nutritional diet. Invite family, friends or neighbors to join your loved one for lunch or dinner a few times a week.

Older adults generally need fewer calories. However, their nutrient needs are just as high or higher than when they were younger. This is why doctors and nutritionists recommend that aging adults plan meals that focus on nutrient-rich whole foods, lots of vegetables and plenty of liquids. For more advice, check out this helpful information and infographic the National Council on Aging has put together on 6 Ways to Eat Well as You Get Older.

If you or your aging loved one is challenged with planning, preparing and consuming a healthy diet, we can help. FirstLight Home Care and our team of amazing caregivers can provide in-home support with meal planning and preparation, eating assistance and even grocery shopping. 

FirstLight Home Care – Healthy Aging Month

Healthy Aging Month is an opportunity to celebrate seniors’ accomplishments and acknowledge their contributions to society. Promoting healthy aging requires a holistic approach that caters to seniors’ physical, mental and social needs. When we implement lifestyle strategies for seniors by encouraging them to engage in physical and cognitively stimulating activities, FirstLight Home Care can ensure that seniors are aging gracefully and enjoying good health well into their golden years.

Immunization Awareness Month: Protecting Your Loved Ones with FirstLight Home Care Services Tue, 15 Aug 2023 15:54:50 +0000 August is National Immunization Awareness Month, an annual observance meant to highlight the importance of vaccinations for people of all ages.

However, vaccines are particularly important for older adults because as you age, your immune system weakens, and it can be more difficult to fight off infections. The older you get, the more likely you are to get diseases like the flu, pneumonia and shingles.

Certain immunizations can help keep seniors from getting and spreading serious diseases that could result in poor health, medical bills and the inability to care for themselves.

The Importance of Immunizations

Vaccines are not just for children. There are important immunizations for seniors as well.

Getting vaccinated can help keep your older loved one, your family and your community healthy.

In fact, some seniors may need one or more vaccines, even if they received them as a child or as a younger adult. Immunity to certain diseases can wear off over time, and as people get older, they are at an increased risk of contracting various illnesses. Some may also be at risk for vaccine-preventable disease due to age, lifestyle, travel or health conditions.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends the following vaccines for seniors to prevent:

Influenza (Flu)

All adults need a seasonal flu vaccine every year. It is particularly important for people with chronic health conditions and older adults. More than 60 percent of seasonal flu-related hospitalizations occur in people 65 years of age and older. The CDC has established that the flu and pneumonia combined rank seventh on the list of leading causes of death among seniors 65 and older.

Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

The shingles vaccine can significantly reduce the chances of getting shingles, a painful skin rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. About half of the estimated 1 million Americans who get shingles every year are 60 and older. Therefore, the CDC recommends the vaccine for everyone 60 and older.

Diphtheria and Tetanus

Although rare in the U.S. today, both diphtheria and tetanus are serious diseases caused by bacteria. Diphtheria spreads from person to person through coughing or sneezing. Tetanus-causing bacteria enters the body through cuts, scratches or wounds. Adults should get a Td (tetanus, diphtheria) booster shot every 10 years to protect against both diseases.

Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

Because pertussis may feel like a regular cold at first, an adult may not know they have it and then pass it on to someone in their family. Adult pertussis immunity wears off, putting infants at increased risk. Seniors, especially those who have close contact with infants, should receive a Tdap vaccine booster to protect against pertussis.

Pneumococcal disease (Pneumonia)

Pneumococcal vaccines are essential because they protect against pneumococcal disease, including infections in the lungs and bloodstream. Each year in the United States, this disease kills thousands of adults, including 18,000 adults 65 and older. Thousands more end up in the hospital. The best way to prevent pneumococcal disease is by getting vaccinated.

Recommended Vaccines for Older Adults

Immunization Awareness Month was established to encourage people—young and old—to make sure they are up to date on the various vaccines recommended for them.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that all adults need immunizations to keep them from getting and spreading serious diseases that could result in poor health, missed work and not being able to care for family or themselves.

Older adults may need one or more vaccines, even if they received them as a child or as a younger adult. Immunity to some diseases can wear off over time, and as people age, they are at an increased risk of contracting various illnesses.

All adults need:

  • seasonal flu vaccine every year. The flu vaccine is specifically important for people with chronic health conditions, pregnant women and older adults. The CDC estimates that since 2010, flu-related hospitalizations in the United States have ranged from 140,000 to 710,000 and flu-related deaths have ranged from 12,000 to 56,000.
  • The Tdap vaccine once if they did not receive it as an adolescent. This protects against pertussis (whooping cough). Adults also should get a Td (tetanus, diphtheria) booster shot every 10 years.

Adults 60 years and older should also get:

  • The shingles vaccine, which protects against shingles and the complications from the disease. This is recommended for healthy adults 60 years and older.
  • Pneumococcal vaccines, which protect against pneumococcal disease, including infections in the lungs and bloodstream. This is recommended for all adults over 65 years old and for adults younger than 65 who have certain chronic health conditions. About 900,000 people get pneumococcal pneumonia every year, leading to as many as 400,000 hospitalizations and 19,000 deaths.

Talk with your senior loved one’s doctor or other healthcare professional to know which vaccines are recommended for them.

How FirstLight Home Care Services Can Help Ensure Immunization Compliance With In-Home Care

FirstLight Home Care understands how important immunizations are to the health and well-being of your senior family members. Our caregivers can help seniors during Immunization Awareness Month by:

  • Assisting them before, during and after the vaccination appointment
  • Providing transportation to and from the appointment
  • Filling prescriptions on the way home
  • Providing companionship to ensure there are no negative side effects from the vaccine(s)
  • Reminding them to follow post-visit care plans provided by their doctor

FirstLight Home Care In-Home Care Services

Flu season will be here before we know it and individuals should get a flu vaccine before it begins spreading. CDC recommends that people get the vaccine by the end of October. Remember, it takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies that protect against flu to develop in the body. Find out more about how to get vaccinated.

Contact FirstLight Home Care today to learn more about how our in-home care team can provide a stress-free solution to getting seniors immunized.

Why Long-Term Care is Important: FirstLight Home Care’s Services Explained Mon, 22 May 2023 20:22:16 +0000 As your loved ones age and their health needs change, it can be difficult to know how best to provide the necessary care. At FirstLight Home Care, we understand that long-term care is important in helping maintain quality of life while providing peace of mind for family members.

What is Long-Term Care?

Long-term care helps patients “live as independently and safely as possible when they can no longer perform everyday activities on their own,” according to the National Institute on Aging. Typically, long-term in-home care is provided by unpaid family and friends. This type of care can be anything from light housekeeping, meal preparation and transportation to bathing, grooming and eating assistance. states that Medicare and other health insurance plans do not provide long-term care insurance because most long-term care isn’t considered medical care. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management provides long-term care insurance under the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP).

Why Is Long-Term Care Important?

 For many seniors who wish to remain in their own homes for as long as possible—known as “aging in place”—long-term care is essential for ensuring their safety and comfort. For example, if your loved one has difficulty getting up from a chair without assistance or relies on help with basic grooming tasks like bathing and brushing teeth, they could greatly benefit from having someone come into the home to provide such services on a regular basis. This type of personalized attention helps seniors maintain their independence while also providing peace of mind to family members who may not be able to visit as often as they would like.

Who Needs Long-Term Care

There are many reasons why someone may need caregivers. says that “about 60% of adults will need assistance with things like getting dressed, driving to appointments, or making meals.”


The older a person gets, the more likely they are to need help.


Women live longer than men, so they have a greater chance of needing care.

Relationship status

People who are single are more likely than married people to need help from friends, family or a hired professional.


Unhealthy habits, lack of exercise and poor diet can cause someone to need help sooner.


People with a family history of certain health conditions may have an increased need for long-term care.

FirstLight Home Care’s Long-Term Care Services

FirstLight Home Care provides long-term care services to those who need it. Whether or not your loved one has long-term care insurance, we are here to help.

We provide care for those needing extra support with basic activities of daily living (ADLs), such as:

  • Bathing
  • Dressing
  • Toileting
  • Transferring (getting in and out of bed or chair)
  • Eating
  • Continence

We also provide services for instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), including:

  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
  • Transportation
  • Laundry
  • Managing Finances

FirstLight Home Care – Long-Term In-Home Care

At FirstLight Home Care, we offer both short-term and long-term solutions tailored specifically to each senior’s unique needs and preferences. Our compassionate caregivers provide everything from respite care and companionship to personal care services—all within the comfort and security of your loved one’s home. If you think your loved one could benefit from our long-term care solutions, please don’t hesitate to reach out today! Our team is always here to help answer any questions you might have about our services or how we can best support your family’s needs going forward.

Stress Awareness Month: Tips for Home Caregivers to Reduce Stress and Improve Well-Being Tue, 18 Apr 2023 19:44:58 +0000 Being a caregiver for a family member can be an incredibly rewarding experience—but it can also be a challenging one. It is important to remember to practice self-care. As a family caregiver, you tend to be primarily focused on your loved one and don’t always realize that your own health and well-being could be suffering from caregiver burnout.

Signs and symptoms of caregiver stress and burnout

  • Feeling overwhelmed or constantly worried
  • Feeling tired often
  • Getting too much (or not enough) sleep
  • Experiencing drastic changes in weight
  • Becoming easily irritated or angry
  • Losing interest in activities you used to enjoy
  • Feeling sad much of the time
  • Having frequent headaches or other physical pains
  • Abusing alcohol or drugs, including prescription medications

Studies have shown that family caregivers are more likely to experience symptoms of depression or anxiety. A lack of stress management, especially over a long period of time, can harm your health. Feeling stressed and overwhelmed can impact your quality of sleep, levels of physical activity and/or your diet—which increases your risk of medical problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.

When you’re constantly worried about someone else, you don’t always spot what’s happening with your own emotional and physical well-being. It is important to recognize the caregiver stress you are feeling and address it early to help prevent future health problems. By caring for yourself, you will take better care of your loved one.

Tips for Reducing Stress and Improving Well-Being

Now more than ever, family caregivers are faced with the stress that comes with caring for an aging loved one. Follow these tips from FirstLight to help with stress reduction.

Learn ways to better help your loved one.

For example, some senior centers and hospitals offer classes that educate you on how to care for someone with an injury or chronic illness. To find these classes, ask your doctor.

Find caregiving resources in your community.

Many communities have adult daycare services or respite services to give primary caregivers a break from their daily caregiving duties.

Ask for and accept help.

Make a list of ways others can assist you. Let family members choose how they can jump in and help. For instance, someone might sit with the person you care for while you run an errand. Someone else might pick up groceries for you. If family and friends are not available, look into services like FirstLight Home Care’s Companion Care to help with light housekeeping and laundry, grocery shopping, meal preparation, errands, transportation and more.

Join a support group for home caregivers.

You can find general family caregiver support groups or groups of caregivers who care for someone with the same illness or disability as your loved one. You can share stories, pick up caregiving tips and get support from others who may face the same challenges as you.

Take time for yourself.

Stay in touch with family and friends and continue to do the things you enjoy. It’s important to take breaks. Respite care allows you to take some time off from your responsibilities as a primary caregiver so you can focus on yourself for a while. While you’re away, professional caregivers are there to make sure your loved one is taken care of, even if it’s just for a few hours.

Take care of your health.

Find time to be physically active most days of the week, choose healthy foods and get plenty of sleep.

See your doctor for regular checkups.

Regular wellness visits can help prevent future health problems, so make sure you are seeing your own doctor as well. Tell your doctor or nurse you are a caregiver and share with them the potential stress you are experiencing.

FirstLight Home Care – Senior Home Care Services

If you’re like many home caregivers, asking your family and friends to help can be difficult. Unfortunately, not asking can lead to feeling isolated, frustrated and even depressed. Don’t struggle on your own, take advantage of our local FirstLight Home Care caregivers. They are here to help you with the care of your loved one and you.

Use the tools and techniques in this blog to help relieve stress, care for your loved one and gain greater satisfaction and fulfillment from taking on such an important and rewarding responsibility.

You don’t have to manage caregiving alone. We’re ready to help! Get a personalized price quote today.

Brain Injury Awareness Month – FirstLight Home Care Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:02:39 +0000 March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and if you’re caring for a family member with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), there’s no better time to educate yourself on what to do in your role as a TBI caregiver. Being the main source of support and care for brain injury patients can be a long road, but it’s important to remember that every situation is different and there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every year, approximately 2.87 million people in the United States sustain a brain injury. Of those people, 275,000 end up hospitalized, while 1.365 million are treated and released from an emergency room.

Brain Injury Association of America

First and foremost, it’s important to educate yourself as one of many TBI caregivers about brain injuries and their effects. The more you know about what your loved one is going through, the better equipped you’ll be to provide them with the proper care to recover. The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) is a great resource for information, especially during Brain Injury Awareness Month, on all aspects of care for brain injury patients, from causes and symptoms to treatment and recovery.

When providing care for brain injury patients, it’s important to help them regain as much independence as possible. This can be a slow and gradual process, but even small accomplishments can make a big difference in their quality of life. Encourage your loved one to participate in activities they enjoy and assist them with anything they may need help with.

It’s also important to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. Caregiving can be taxing, especially when providing long-term care for brain injury patients, so make sure to schedule regular breaks for yourself and reach out to other family members or friends for support when needed. The BIAA also has a variety of resources available for caregivers, so be sure to check them out.

Finally, don’t hesitate to seek professional caregiving help if you feel like you’re in over your head. There are many home care providers, like FirstLight, that offer services specifically to assist in the care for brain injury patients.

Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries in Elderly People

Traumatic brain injuries are a serious and potentially life-altering condition that can affect individuals of all ages. However, TBIs can be particularly devastating for elderly people, as they may be more susceptible to falls and other accidents that can cause significant head trauma.

There are many different causes of TBIs in elderly people, but falls are by far the most common. According to the CDC, falls are responsible for more than half of all TBIs among adults aged 65 and older.

Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries

TBIs can have a wide range of effects, depending on the severity and location of the injury. Some common symptoms TBI caregivers should look for in their elderly loved ones include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Fatigue
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Personality changes

Brain Injury Prevention Tips

Preventing TBIs in elderly people is crucial, as these injuries can have serious and lasting effects that possibly require long-term care for brain injury patients. To help prevent a TBI or further damage to the brain of someone experiencing a TBI already, here are some tips.

  • Remove tripping hazards from the home, such as loose rugs and clutter
  • Install grab bars and handrails in bathrooms and other areas where falls are common
  • Encourage regular exercise to improve balance and strength
  • Make sure they wear appropriate protective gear and proper footwear when participating in certain physical activities

Recovery Tips for TBI Caregivers

If you are a caregiver for someone who has sustained a brain injury, you may be feeling overwhelmed. It is important to know that you are not alone; there are many resources available to help you care for your loved one. Below are a few tips to help you care for a TBI patient.

Prepare The Home

It may be hard for your loved one to get around like they did prior to having a TBI, especially if they are undergoing long-term care for brain injury. Installing ramps, a roll-in shower and making doors/entryways wider may be a good idea if they are now getting around with the help of a wheelchair or walker.

Manage Your Loved One’s Stress

Encourage the person you are caring for to release frustration around symptoms of a TBI by listening to calming music, participating in yoga, meditating or enjoying nature.

Establish A Routine

Getting enough sleep is crucial to promoting recovery and healing of the brain. Establish a bedtime and morning routine and minimize screen time, caffeine and alcohol to promote healing.

Keep Track Each Day

Writing down day-to-day activities for your loved one and having them journal too will help with their memory and provide information for doctors.

FirstLight Home Care – Traumatic Injury Home Care Services

This Brain Injury Awareness Month, reach out to FirstLight to find the perfect caregiver to help with activities of daily living for your loved ones who need traumatic injury care at home following a brain injury, neck or spinal cord trauma or a musculoskeletal injury. Specialty care services may vary by location. Please find your nearest location today to discuss which services are available.

Spring Activities For Seniors & Caregivers – FirstLight Senior Home Care Tue, 14 Mar 2023 14:46:17 +0000 After months of colder weather and gray skies in many parts of the country, springtime is a welcomed season for loved ones in senior home care. It can be especially refreshing for older adults who have spent the winter indoors with at home senior care. Fresh air, warmth and sunshine can play an important role in renewing the spirit and enhancing quality of life. Here are some spring activities for seniors that will help your loved ones enjoy the great outdoors alongside their at home senior care companion.

Top 7 Fun Spring Activities For Seniors

To help older adults who are typically inside with at home senior care, we’ve compiled some ideas for outdoor activities that can help rejuvenate mind, body and soul.

Take a walk.

Studies have shown that even 10 minutes of walking each day can help older adults maintain strength and agility. Many local parks and nature trails have options for people with varying levels of mobility. Even a simple stroll around the neighborhood to take in the scenery can be just the right change of pace.

Visit a farmers market.

There’s so much to see and sample at a farmers market. Plus, you can take home some fresh veggies for a healthy meal. Check out the National Farmers Market Directory for a location near you.

Go on a picnic.

A little creativity can turn even the most routine activities into adventures. Try turning your next meal into a picnic. Grab a blanket and head to your favorite park. Bring a friend and share a meal together in the fresh air.

Eat outdoors at your favorite restaurant.

If a picnic in the park doesn’t appeal to you, how about dinner at a nice restaurant that offers outdoor seating? Add good company, delicious food and ambiance, and you’ve got the recipe for a lovely night out.

Install a bird feeder.

Once the birds start chirping, you know spring has arrived. An abundant food source will help attract these feathered friends to your yard. Buy a bird feeder (or if you’re handy, build one) and install it near a window.

Plant a garden.

If you like to get your hands dirty, consider planting a garden. Aside from being able to reap what you sow, gardening is a great form of exercise and can reduce stress.

Get some exercise.

Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous; low-impact activities like walking, yoga, swimming and water aerobics can help with flexibility, balance and strength. The National Institute on Aging offers a guide that can help you get started.

FirstLight Home Care – Senior Home Care Services

Springtime is the perfect opportunity for families around the nation to do something different and energize their loved ones. We also understand that everyone needs a little assistance sometimes, which is why our at home senior care options are available to help your loved ones enjoy all spring has to offer. Find a location near you to learn more about our senior home care services today. For more ideas and tips, follow us on Facebook.
