Personal Care – FirstLight Home Care Thu, 19 Oct 2023 19:23:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fall Festivities for Seniors: Enjoying the Season’s Celebrations | FirstLight Home Care Thu, 19 Oct 2023 19:17:22 +0000 The crisp air, changing colors of leaves and pumpkin spice everything can only mean one thing: fall is here! With the season in full swing, it’s time to start planning fall festivities for seniors. Whether it’s getting outside to enjoy the autumn air or staying cozy indoors, there are plenty of senior-friendly fall activities that can help older adults celebrate the season.

Senior Community Engagement in the Fall

Fall is a great time for seniors to engage with their local community. Many towns and cities host fall festivals and events that cater specifically to an older audience. These events are a great opportunity for seniors not only to get out and enjoy the season but also to socialize with other members of their community. It’s important for older adults to maintain social connections as they age, and fall festivities provide great opportunities for community engagement.

At most fall festivals and events, there are activities perfect for older adults. These events include hayrides, pumpkin patches and craft fairs. They offer a chance for seniors to get out and enjoy the cool fall weather while engaging in fun activities. FirstLight Home Care can help seniors attend these events by providing transportation and any necessary assistance.

Celebrating Fall at Home for Seniors

This is also a great time for seniors to enjoy the coziness of their own home. They can create a warm, welcoming atmosphere by using autumn colors and decorations, lighting candles and enjoying warm drinks like tea or cider. Seniors can also take advantage of the cooler temperatures to enjoy outdoor activities in their own backyard, such as gardening or birdwatching. By creating a cozy and inviting space, seniors can fully embrace the fall season and all that it has to offer.

5 Tips for Finding a Hobby to Fill the Fall Gap for Older Adults

The fall season is filled with exciting and vibrant celebrations that every senior can enjoy. But finding senior-friendly fall activities that are safe and fun can be a challenge. Chances are, you think more about hobbies at the beginning of the year—when resolving to try something new—than you do as autumn approaches. But for older adults, this time of year can represent a big gap: Summer has ended, and the holidays are still in the distance. Activities and visits from family can wane as fall begins, making it an ideal time to introduce or renew focus on a cherished hobby.

How can you find an activity that’s not only the right fit for the older adult in your life, but also provides health benefits? Here are FirstLight Home Care’s five tips for finding the right hobby to fill the fall gap.

Go with what you know (and love).

The simplest activity to incorporate into an older adult’s life may be the one they’re already familiar with or have dreamt about doing. Consider renewing a focus on an activity that may have been loved during years gone by but was put on the back burner when days were filled with working or raising children. Or dust off that bucket list and do something that’s always been a personal aspiration.

Be adaptable.

The physical or cognitive limitations that often come with aging don’t have to prevent older adults from enjoying activities they love. Many hobbies can be adapted to changing abilities. For example, a person who used to spend hours in the garden could create a potted version on a deck or porch. A former runner could take up nature walking. Being adaptable can lead to new ways to enjoy old interests.

Get social.

Hobbies that involve social interaction can provide compelling health benefits. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, people who continue to interact socially live longer than their isolated counterparts. In fact, social interactions are shown to improve mental health, as well as protect against certain illnesses by boosting the immune system.

Move it.

There’s a mountain of medical evidence that physical activity is integral to good health. According to the National Institutes of Health, even moderate physical activity can help older adults prevent or delay disease, manage stress and improve mood. To maximize the health benefits, consider hobbies that incorporate physical activity. Popular, low-impact options for older adults include walking, swimming and Tai Chi.

Use your head.

According to the World Health Organization, common factors such as isolation, loss of independence and loneliness can take a significant toll on the mental health of older adults. And declining mental health can affect mood, energy, sleep, appetite and physical health. Hobbies that stimulate the mind—reading, music, puzzles, games and more—can help boost mental health. And they may also contribute to preserved mental function.

Safety Precautions for Seniors During Fall Festivities

As much fun as fall activities can be, it’s important for seniors to take certain precautions to stay safe. This includes dressing warmly for the weather, wearing comfortable shoes that provide good support and making sure to stay hydrated. It’s also important to avoid activities that may be too physically strenuous for older adults. FirstLight Home Care can help seniors stay safe by providing personal care services and accompanying seniors to fall events to ensure that they can participate safely.

Fall Festivities for Seniors | FirstLight Home Care

Fall is a season full of opportunities for seniors to engage with their community, stay active and enjoy the cozy atmosphere that comes with cooler temperatures. FirstLight Home Care can help seniors participate in fall festivities by providing personal care services, transportation and companionship. Whether it’s getting outside to enjoy the fall color or staying snug inside to create autumn crafts, there are plenty of senior-friendly fall activities to enjoy. Our Companion Care Services include visits, conversation, and help with recreational activities. To learn more, find a location near you today.

Promoting Healthy Aging: Guide to Celebrating Healthy Aging Month Fri, 15 Sep 2023 16:17:15 +0000 As we age, taking care of our physical and mental health becomes even more important. September is recognized as Healthy Aging Month, a time to celebrate the many lifestyle strategies for seniors and senior health tips for aging gracefully.

“Eat right and exercise.” We’ve heard this message all our lives. But for those over the age of 50, this message is even more important. Countless studies have proven that staying active and eating properly can help older adults achieve a higher quality of life and can help them live longer too.

Aging and Mental Health: Activities To Improve Your Mental Health

One in five older adults experiences mental health concerns that are not a normal part of aging—the most common of which are anxiety or mood disorders including depression.

Mental health is as important as physical health. Good mental health contributes to an overall feeling of well-being, impacting your stress levels, memory, sleep and how you think and feel about yourself. There are many ways you can improve your mental health, but here are three important activities FirstLight Home Care often helps clients participate in:

Physical Activity

Focus on emotional and cognitive health with regular physical activity. While physical activity produces chemicals in the body that promote emotional well-being, inactivity can make depression, anxiety and stress worse.

Social Activity

Focus on emotional health by staying in touch with friends, family and the greater community. Whether physically healthy or ill, people who feel connected to others are more likely to age gracefully than socially isolated people.

Positive Thinking

Focus on positive thinking for a longer, happier life. Those kinds of thoughts can create real value and help reduce stress. Positive thinking and optimism on health can even lower depression, improve coping skills during times of stress and psychological and physical well-being.

Good Nutrition and Aging

Smart food choices are part of promoting healthy aging. Eating the right foods with the proper nutrients, while being mindful of the appropriate proportion sizes, is vital. As we age, our bodies can become less tolerant of certain foods. We tend to eat less. And our teeth and gums can change, making it difficult to chew certain fruits, vegetables or meats. These changes make it even more important for our elderly loved ones to focus on good nutrition, including:

Drink plenty of liquids

With age, you may lose some of your sense of thirst. Drink water often to stay hydrated. Limit beverages that have lots of added sugars.

Eat your veggies

Include a variety of different colored vegetables at mealtime. Most vegetables are a low-calorie source of nutrients and a good source of fiber.

Flavor up your meals

With age, our sense of smell and taste may change. Medicines can also influence how foods taste. A healthy way to add flavor to meals is with herbs and spices.

Social eating

Eating alone can be depressing and can lead to a poor nutritional diet. Invite family, friends or neighbors to join your loved one for lunch or dinner a few times a week.

Older adults generally need fewer calories. However, their nutrient needs are just as high or higher than when they were younger. This is why doctors and nutritionists recommend that aging adults plan meals that focus on nutrient-rich whole foods, lots of vegetables and plenty of liquids. For more advice, check out this helpful information and infographic the National Council on Aging has put together on 6 Ways to Eat Well as You Get Older.

If you or your aging loved one is challenged with planning, preparing and consuming a healthy diet, we can help. FirstLight Home Care and our team of amazing caregivers can provide in-home support with meal planning and preparation, eating assistance and even grocery shopping. 

FirstLight Home Care – Healthy Aging Month

Healthy Aging Month is an opportunity to celebrate seniors’ accomplishments and acknowledge their contributions to society. Promoting healthy aging requires a holistic approach that caters to seniors’ physical, mental and social needs. When we implement lifestyle strategies for seniors by encouraging them to engage in physical and cognitively stimulating activities, FirstLight Home Care can ensure that seniors are aging gracefully and enjoying good health well into their golden years.

Immunization Awareness Month: Protecting Your Loved Ones with FirstLight Home Care Services Tue, 15 Aug 2023 15:54:50 +0000 August is National Immunization Awareness Month, an annual observance meant to highlight the importance of vaccinations for people of all ages.

However, vaccines are particularly important for older adults because as you age, your immune system weakens, and it can be more difficult to fight off infections. The older you get, the more likely you are to get diseases like the flu, pneumonia and shingles.

Certain immunizations can help keep seniors from getting and spreading serious diseases that could result in poor health, medical bills and the inability to care for themselves.

The Importance of Immunizations

Vaccines are not just for children. There are important immunizations for seniors as well.

Getting vaccinated can help keep your older loved one, your family and your community healthy.

In fact, some seniors may need one or more vaccines, even if they received them as a child or as a younger adult. Immunity to certain diseases can wear off over time, and as people get older, they are at an increased risk of contracting various illnesses. Some may also be at risk for vaccine-preventable disease due to age, lifestyle, travel or health conditions.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends the following vaccines for seniors to prevent:

Influenza (Flu)

All adults need a seasonal flu vaccine every year. It is particularly important for people with chronic health conditions and older adults. More than 60 percent of seasonal flu-related hospitalizations occur in people 65 years of age and older. The CDC has established that the flu and pneumonia combined rank seventh on the list of leading causes of death among seniors 65 and older.

Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

The shingles vaccine can significantly reduce the chances of getting shingles, a painful skin rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. About half of the estimated 1 million Americans who get shingles every year are 60 and older. Therefore, the CDC recommends the vaccine for everyone 60 and older.

Diphtheria and Tetanus

Although rare in the U.S. today, both diphtheria and tetanus are serious diseases caused by bacteria. Diphtheria spreads from person to person through coughing or sneezing. Tetanus-causing bacteria enters the body through cuts, scratches or wounds. Adults should get a Td (tetanus, diphtheria) booster shot every 10 years to protect against both diseases.

Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

Because pertussis may feel like a regular cold at first, an adult may not know they have it and then pass it on to someone in their family. Adult pertussis immunity wears off, putting infants at increased risk. Seniors, especially those who have close contact with infants, should receive a Tdap vaccine booster to protect against pertussis.

Pneumococcal disease (Pneumonia)

Pneumococcal vaccines are essential because they protect against pneumococcal disease, including infections in the lungs and bloodstream. Each year in the United States, this disease kills thousands of adults, including 18,000 adults 65 and older. Thousands more end up in the hospital. The best way to prevent pneumococcal disease is by getting vaccinated.

Recommended Vaccines for Older Adults

Immunization Awareness Month was established to encourage people—young and old—to make sure they are up to date on the various vaccines recommended for them.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that all adults need immunizations to keep them from getting and spreading serious diseases that could result in poor health, missed work and not being able to care for family or themselves.

Older adults may need one or more vaccines, even if they received them as a child or as a younger adult. Immunity to some diseases can wear off over time, and as people age, they are at an increased risk of contracting various illnesses.

All adults need:

  • seasonal flu vaccine every year. The flu vaccine is specifically important for people with chronic health conditions, pregnant women and older adults. The CDC estimates that since 2010, flu-related hospitalizations in the United States have ranged from 140,000 to 710,000 and flu-related deaths have ranged from 12,000 to 56,000.
  • The Tdap vaccine once if they did not receive it as an adolescent. This protects against pertussis (whooping cough). Adults also should get a Td (tetanus, diphtheria) booster shot every 10 years.

Adults 60 years and older should also get:

  • The shingles vaccine, which protects against shingles and the complications from the disease. This is recommended for healthy adults 60 years and older.
  • Pneumococcal vaccines, which protect against pneumococcal disease, including infections in the lungs and bloodstream. This is recommended for all adults over 65 years old and for adults younger than 65 who have certain chronic health conditions. About 900,000 people get pneumococcal pneumonia every year, leading to as many as 400,000 hospitalizations and 19,000 deaths.

Talk with your senior loved one’s doctor or other healthcare professional to know which vaccines are recommended for them.

How FirstLight Home Care Services Can Help Ensure Immunization Compliance With In-Home Care

FirstLight Home Care understands how important immunizations are to the health and well-being of your senior family members. Our caregivers can help seniors during Immunization Awareness Month by:

  • Assisting them before, during and after the vaccination appointment
  • Providing transportation to and from the appointment
  • Filling prescriptions on the way home
  • Providing companionship to ensure there are no negative side effects from the vaccine(s)
  • Reminding them to follow post-visit care plans provided by their doctor

FirstLight Home Care In-Home Care Services

Flu season will be here before we know it and individuals should get a flu vaccine before it begins spreading. CDC recommends that people get the vaccine by the end of October. Remember, it takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies that protect against flu to develop in the body. Find out more about how to get vaccinated.

Contact FirstLight Home Care today to learn more about how our in-home care team can provide a stress-free solution to getting seniors immunized.

Why Long-Term Care is Important: FirstLight Home Care’s Services Explained Mon, 22 May 2023 20:22:16 +0000 As your loved ones age and their health needs change, it can be difficult to know how best to provide the necessary care. At FirstLight Home Care, we understand that long-term care is important in helping maintain quality of life while providing peace of mind for family members.

What is Long-Term Care?

Long-term care helps patients “live as independently and safely as possible when they can no longer perform everyday activities on their own,” according to the National Institute on Aging. Typically, long-term in-home care is provided by unpaid family and friends. This type of care can be anything from light housekeeping, meal preparation and transportation to bathing, grooming and eating assistance. states that Medicare and other health insurance plans do not provide long-term care insurance because most long-term care isn’t considered medical care. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management provides long-term care insurance under the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP).

Why Is Long-Term Care Important?

 For many seniors who wish to remain in their own homes for as long as possible—known as “aging in place”—long-term care is essential for ensuring their safety and comfort. For example, if your loved one has difficulty getting up from a chair without assistance or relies on help with basic grooming tasks like bathing and brushing teeth, they could greatly benefit from having someone come into the home to provide such services on a regular basis. This type of personalized attention helps seniors maintain their independence while also providing peace of mind to family members who may not be able to visit as often as they would like.

Who Needs Long-Term Care

There are many reasons why someone may need caregivers. says that “about 60% of adults will need assistance with things like getting dressed, driving to appointments, or making meals.”


The older a person gets, the more likely they are to need help.


Women live longer than men, so they have a greater chance of needing care.

Relationship status

People who are single are more likely than married people to need help from friends, family or a hired professional.


Unhealthy habits, lack of exercise and poor diet can cause someone to need help sooner.


People with a family history of certain health conditions may have an increased need for long-term care.

FirstLight Home Care’s Long-Term Care Services

FirstLight Home Care provides long-term care services to those who need it. Whether or not your loved one has long-term care insurance, we are here to help.

We provide care for those needing extra support with basic activities of daily living (ADLs), such as:

  • Bathing
  • Dressing
  • Toileting
  • Transferring (getting in and out of bed or chair)
  • Eating
  • Continence

We also provide services for instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), including:

  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
  • Transportation
  • Laundry
  • Managing Finances

FirstLight Home Care – Long-Term In-Home Care

At FirstLight Home Care, we offer both short-term and long-term solutions tailored specifically to each senior’s unique needs and preferences. Our compassionate caregivers provide everything from respite care and companionship to personal care services—all within the comfort and security of your loved one’s home. If you think your loved one could benefit from our long-term care solutions, please don’t hesitate to reach out today! Our team is always here to help answer any questions you might have about our services or how we can best support your family’s needs going forward.

Elderly Fall Prevention Tips – Senior Home Care Thu, 18 Aug 2022 15:00:38 +0000 According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older Americans. One in four older Americans experience a fall annually. At FirstLight®, our goal is to provide senior home care that makes your loved ones feel safe. Elderly fall prevention is just one way we care for your loved ones as if they were our own. Read on to learn more about fall prevention for seniors.

What Are The Dangers Of Seniors Falling?

Falls threaten seniors’ safety and independence. They are a substantial medical risk that can result in hip fractures, cuts and sometimes life-threatening head and brain injuries. Oftentimes, a fall is so scary that seniors may avoid certain activities because they are worried that they’ll fall again. So, how important is senior fall prevention?

Elderly fall prevention can greatly improve the quality of life in our seniors. The data is startling. Sixty and Me, an online community of 500,000 women over 60, provided some very helpful information that explores basic statistics related to falls in older Americans. For example, “more than one in every three falls involving older adults either requires medical assistance, such as going to a regular doctor’s appointment or a trip to the emergency room, or results in activity limitations for a day or more.” Falls are too common. We need to work together to learn about fall prevention to keep our aging family and friends healthy.

If you are a family caregiver, the following quick guide to elderly fall prevention can help keep your aging loved one safe inside the place they call home and provide you with comfort and peace of mind. 

Most Common Fall Risks For Elderly

  • Carrying excessive amounts of weight.
  • Having poor balance.
  • Wearing impractical shoes.
  • Having pathways in the home filled with clutter or objects.
  • Standing up to dress or undress.
  • Slipping in the shower or tub.
  • Lighting is not bright enough in rooms.
  • Having poor vision.
  • Being on medication with side effects such as drowsiness or dizziness.
  • Getting feet caught in wheelchair feet supports. 

Senior Fall Prevention Strategies

Although falls are not a normal part of aging, most of us lose some coordination, flexibility and balance as we age. This can increase our potential to fall. Elderly fall prevention is the best way to counteract the negative effects of a fall before it happens. Here are some ways to help prevent falls in your elderly loved one.

Remove clutter.

The simplest way to promote fall prevention is to remove clutter from floors, hallways, staircases and sidewalks around your loved one’s home. Unnecessary clutter can be a tripping hazard. Plus, your loved one is at risk of losing their balance and falling when they bend down to pick up the clutter.

Fix trip hazards.

Walk through every room of the house and identify potential trip hazards. Fix, remove, or repair items such as loose carpets, throw rugs, uneven flooring, electrical cords or unnecessary furniture, as well as things like old newspapers and magazines that may be piled up. Patterned rugs, especially, can cause a tripping hazard because they affect depth perception.

Keep necessary items within reach.

Limiting overreaching can be a great form of fall prevention. The potential of falling is minimized by not placing anything on shelves that are too high or need to be reached using a chair or ladder. In their bedroom specifically, your loved one’s bed should be a comfortable height, stable and firm enough to get in and out of easily. A telephone and lamp should be reachable on the bedside table. Eyeglasses, canes and walkers should also be easily accessible.

Keep the bathroom safe.

Buying rubberized slip-resistant mats both inside and outside of the shower or tub helps prevent slipping. A raised toilet seat makes it easier and safer for someone who is weak or has balance problems.

Install grab bars and handrails. 

Hire a handyman or have a family member install grab bars by toilets and bathtubs and handrails in stairways and hallways. Most seniors have lived in their homes for such a long time they may have never thought about making simple home modifications that could make aging in place a viable and safer option.

Install proper lighting. 

Poor lighting is another hazard that can cause falls. Install brighter light bulbs in each room for everyday use. Add night lights in bedrooms and bathrooms for better guidance at night. Light switches should be accessible at room entrances and at the beginning of any dark area. Automatic touch lights that turn on when you touch the base of the lamp are helpful for those with arthritis or painful joints. Adapters are available to convert existing lamps into touch-sensitive lamps.

Encourage shoes, even in the home. 

Preventing falls at home can be as simple as wearing sensible shoes. Socks might be more comfortable, but they can also be slippery. Encourage your loved one to wear shoes, even inside the house. Shoes should have low heels and good tread.

Make sure to keep shoelaces tied or Velcro firmly fastened. If your loved one chooses to wear slippers, they should have rubber soles and should not be worn outside.

Remember outdoor safety.

Step edges should be marked with reflective tape that is designed for outdoor use. Traction tape on stair treads will minimize the chance of falls when the stairs are wet. Using a contrasting color adhesive strip along the edge of the threshold will make it more visible. Leaves, moss, snow and ice can cause serious falls. Paths and sidewalks that are raised and cracked create a hazard.

Promote balance.

Get a shower bench or chair for someone if they are unsteady on their feet. Balance can be easily thrown off by trying to carry heavy objects and having vision obscured.

Look into medication information.

Review all medications with your loved one’s the physician or pharmacist to see if there is an increased risk for falls. Some drugs that contribute to falls are diuretics, blood pressure medicine and medications given for psychological reasons.

Review walker and wheelchair safety.

When using a walker, both hands must be free to grasp the handles on either side. Avoid carrying heavy objects, which could cause a loss of balance or overload a wheelchair. Wheelchairs should be checked periodically to make sure they are in good working condition.

Urge your older adult to slow down. 

Teaching aging adults that they are not as agile as they used to be is a helpful way to promote senior fall prevention. Many falls at home are caused by your elderly loved one moving too quickly while getting in or out of a seated position. Advise them to pause before sitting or standing to make sure they are steady before moving.

Emergency alarm systems provide peace of mind.

Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) provide emergency help at the press of a button, 24 hours a day. While not a form of fall prevention, if you are not able to have an actual person in the home with your loved one, these devices are an effective way to alert others of a fall. The response button is worn around the neck, on the belt or on the wrist of your loved one. These systems help alleviate the fear of being alone during an emergency such as a fall.

FirstLight Home Care – Senior Home Care Services

At FirstLight, our caregivers are taught to watch for possible fall hazards and to manage them before an accident happens. In addition to senior fall prevention and home safety checks, our team provides a variety of senior home care services to help you or your loved one stay safe and independent.

Call your local FirstLight® Home Care today to learn more about how we can help with elderly fall prevention for your loved one to be safe and happy at home.

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How Temporary In-Home Care Can Help Your Family Thu, 23 Sep 2021 13:13:40 +0000 Temporary in-home care can help individuals who are recovering from illness, injury or surgery, as well as after a hospital stay.

This short-term care can last anywhere from several weeks to a few months, and it is typically provided in someone’s home. This care may include unskilled or skilled care for the elderly, veterans or people with disabilities.

Unskilled or non-medical home care assists people with activities of daily living as well as basic tasks around the home, such as these companion care services:

  • Regular visits, conversations and company
  • Medication reminders
  • Light housekeeping
  • Grocery shopping
  • Meal preparation
  • Laundry services
  • Shopping, running errands and transportation

It can also include family respite care, which gives family caregivers a temporary break from their caregiving responsibilities. Primary caregivers often need extra support taking care of a loved one so that they can not only tend to their own personal needs, such as errands and appointments but so that they can also take time for themselves and practice self-care.

Sometimes personal care services are needed as well. This type of care can assist with everyday activities such as bathing, mobility and personal hygiene.

Skilled care is a little different in that it is typically ordered by a doctor, and it refers to skilled nursing or rehabilitation services that are provided by licensed health professionals like nurses and physical therapists. This care can include:

  • Medication management
  • Wound care
  • Monitoring vital signs
  • Catheter and ostomy care
  • Providing physical therapy

Temporary in-home care can provide vital support during what can be a challenging and stressful time for individuals and their family caregivers. And while the support of a professional caregiver during this time may be temporary, the impact can be more enduring.

Home care can provide a long-term boost to what your loved one needs most – comfort, confidence and peace of mind. The great thing about services from FirstLight is that we can customize a care plan to fit the needs of your family.

Contact Us

If you need short-term assistance to navigate an illness, injury, recovery, transition or any other life event, find a location today to learn more.

Find Your Calling

If you are interested in a career with FirstLight Home Care, visit our Careers page to find open positions with one of our local offices.

Learn More

Read more about the differences between short-term and long-term home care from

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Mobility Aids Make Aging in Place Possible Thu, 12 Aug 2021 13:40:09 +0000 When you have a loved one with mobility issues, it’s scary to leave them alone. It can seem like there are fall hazards everywhere, from the staircase and area rugs to the bathroom and bedroom. You might want them to move to an assisted living community where they can get more help. Yet, they want to remain in their home. How can you keep them safe while they’re aging in place? Here are some aids that can help both of you gain peace of mind.

Walkers & Canes

According to the National Council on Aging, an older adult dies from a fall every 19 minutes in the U.S. The good news is that a simple step, like having a cane or walker on hand, can protect your loved one from a potential injury, while giving them the independence they crave.

Both aids are the most accessible on the market today. In fact, many neighborhood drugstores sell canes. These simple tools can make a world of difference for your loved one, enabling them to walk from one place to another with more ease and comfort.

Over time, they can also help educe balance issues and lower body pain, while improving posture. Just make sure whatever cane or walker your loved one is using is set at the proper height for them for their safety and comfort.

Adjustable Beds

Adjustable beds offer another way to help your loved one when they’re aging in place. Gone are the days of traditional hospital beds. Today, there are a range of more luxurious styles and designs that can help your loved one with chronic pain, so they enjoy a more restful night’s sleep.

Most importantly, though, getting into and out of bed will be much easier with an adjustable bed. You can also add rails to the sides if you’re concerned about your loved one falling out of bed at night. In addition, an adjustable bed will make reading and watching TV more comfortable.

Motorized Stairlifts

Going up and down stairs is one the biggest hazards for seniors when aging in place. One tiny misstep can lead to a big fall and a broken bone or worse.

A stairlift can be helpful, giving your loved one the ability to navigate the staircase when they’re alone. These lifts are attached to a motorized rail that takes an individual up the staircase when they’re seated in it. They just have to be able to sit down and get up from the lift.

These can be installed on both straight and curved staircases. With today’s many options, they can even be personalized to match the style and decor of your loved one’s home, so it’s more inviting and less clinical.

Power Wheelchairs & Scooters

If your loved one has issues with mobility that are severe, including any paralysis or lower body weakness, a motorized wheelchair can help them get around. These are easier to maneuver around the home and far lighter when compared to a conventional wheelchair.

If your loved one doesn’t need a wheelchair on a regular basis, a scooter might be a better choice for helping with aging in place. These too offer greater mobility but are more heavy-duty and can be used outdoors when going for a stroll or to get around a store with more ease.

Additional Tips for Helping Your Loved One Age in Place

Before you invest in any of these mobility aids, check with your loved one’s doctor to ensure you’re making the right selections and purchasing the aids that will be most helpful. Also, call their insurance provider to find out what’s covered under their plan, so you pay less out-of-pocket for it. Oftentimes, Medicare Part B and Medicaid will cover the cost of mobility devices that are prescribed by a physician.

If your loved one is having a hard time accepting using a mobility aid, be compassionate and try to listen first. Allow them to discuss their fears and why they’re hesitant. Realize that it’s also hard for them to accept that they’re aging and require extra help. In addition, they may be fearful of continuing to lose their independence, so it’s important to be tactful and gentle.

How Home Care Can Help Your Loved One Who’s Aging in Place

Aging in place is easier and safer with the help of professionals. Consider hiring a caregiver who can assist your loved one in many ways. They can provide non-medical support, including help with mobility around the home. They can also offer transportation to and from appointments and to run errands.

Beyond providing physical assistance that helps with aging in place, a professional caregiver can offer companionship and conversation. This can be crucial if your loved one lives alone and is feeling isolated and depressed.

However, by delivering emotional and social support, combined with physical assistance, a professional caregiver can open the world back up to your loved one. They’ll be safer and happy, aging in place with as much independence as possible.

Are you interested in talking to a professional about helping a loved one with aging in place, so they can remain in familiar surroundings for as long as possible? Contact your local FirstLight® Home Care today.

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Become a Professional Caregiver: Family Caregivers Find Careers that Matter Thu, 05 Aug 2021 10:10:26 +0000 If you’re a family caregiver, it’s a role you likely never expected to have. However, more than one in five Americans are caregivers just like you – helping a sick or aging family members. So, you’re certainly not alone. While the experience can be challenging and emotional, many family caregivers find it rewarding as well. If you’re one of them and would like to turn your abilities and experience into a career as a professional caregiver, FirstLight® Home Care can help.

We offer a range of professional caregiving opportunities for individuals like you who want a meaningful career. Some of these positions include:

  • Home Health Aides
  • CNAs
  • Care Coordinators
  • Companion Care and Personal Care Assistants

Even if you’ve never worked professionally as a caregiver, we’ll train you thoroughly and match you with clients who are an ideal fit.

At FirstLight Home Care, we are always looking to hire those who want to enrich the lives of others. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, here are some of the ways you’ll be able to help other families as a professional caregiver.

Our Professional Caregivers Provide Respite Care

One of the primary ways our caregivers help families is through respite care. Perhaps, in the past, you had a caregiver who provided you and your family with relief so you could step away for a bit while knowing your loved one was in capable hands.

As a professional caregiver, you can be that person for another family, offering their loved one practical assistance at home, as well as emotional and social support to improve their quality of life.

Our Professional Caregivers Provide Personal Care

When a loved one requires help with bathing and dressing, as well as personal hygiene, you may know from personal experience that it can be awkward for a family caregiver to handle these needs.

When you’re providing care at a professional level, you’ll be able to help an individual, whether they’re elderly, disabled or recovering, to ensure they’re safe and comfortable. You can also assist those with mobility issues, whether it’s going up and down stairs, getting into or out of bed or moving around the home. Meanwhile, you’ll give their family peace of mind knowing you’re watching closely and can help whenever needed.

Our Professional Caregivers Provide Companion Care

Family caregivers are often focused on the physical needs of their loved one. Yet, those who are older or disabled need social and emotional support too. Some of the ways our professional caregivers provide this support are through sitting and talking with their clients, assisting with getting out of the house to shop, eat out, or visit with friends, or participating in recreational activities. When you work at FirstLight Home Care, you’ll be providing this kind of companion care to an individual, so they have a trusted confidant and friend to turn to.

Our Professional Caregivers Provide Specialized Care

If an individual has dementia or Alzheimer’s, it requires a compassionate, knowledgeable and dedicated person to care for them. If you’ve cared for your own loved one with these or other chronic, debilitating conditions, then you know it’s a painful journey. However, you may also know that the right caregiver can make a world of difference in the life of the individual and their whole family.

Professional Caregiver Jobs at FirstLight Home Care: We’re Hiring!

Whether you’re currently caring for a loved one or have in the past, a career as a professional care provider can help you put your skills and experience to use. You’ll be able to offer individuals the kindness and respect you’d want for your loved one. At the same time, you can make their life easier by helping around the house in many ways – such as with meal preparation and light housekeeping – all while ensuring they’re safe and comfortable.

It takes a special kind of person to be a caregiver. If you are or have been a family caregiver and would like to build a career in this field, FirstLight Home Care offers rewarding and meaningful jobs as a professional caregiver. We also provide the industry’s best training, so you feel comfortable and confident walking into that first client’s home.

In addition, our culture is one that values our caregivers. We believe deeply in client happiness, as well as caregiver satisfaction. It’s why we offer a fun and engaging culture in which to work, one that offers competitive pay and opportunities for advancement.

Are you interested in finding a job as a professional caregiver? Contact your local FirstLight Home Care today to learn more about the openings available in your area.

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Looking for Caregiver Jobs? Do You Have the Traits of a Great Caregiver? Thu, 10 Jun 2021 11:15:12 +0000 Are you nurturing and hard-working with a generous heart for others? You might have what it takes to be successful in a caregiver job.

As a caregiver, you’ll be helping many different people. For instance, seniors who want to age in place often have caregivers come into their homes to assist with daily tasks. Other individuals who often need the help of a caregiver include those with disabilities, dementia, chronic illnesses or who are recovering after surgery.

6 Traits of Great Caregivers

If you’re a natural caregiver at heart and want to turn it into a career opportunity, what traits are important to have? Here’s a look at a six:

1. Compassion

Having compassion is critical for success in caregiver jobs. You’re going to be helping individuals navigate through many ups and downs. At the same time, their families will also be turning to you for support and guidance. Treating them with compassion and respect is a must, always keeping in mind that your job as a caregiver is to make their lives easier while providing peace of mind.

2. Patience and Composure

When you’re caring for someone who is elderly or disabled, you’re often tasked with helping them through many personal tasks, like bathing, grooming, dressing or even going to the bathroom.

It’s your job as a caregiver to maintain your composure and treat each individual with dignity, respect and patience. There will be times when you get frustrated, especially after a long day on your feet. However, it’s important to stay calm and carry on.

3. Creativity and Problem Solving

As with any job, certain caregiving tasks are more difficult than others. That’s where creativity and problem-solving skills come in. For instance, if the individual you’re caring for doesn’t want to get out of bed, you might turn on some upbeat music to motivate them. If they’re having a hard time remembering things, you may encourage them with memory exercises, such as playing a card game, playing Sudoku or doing a crossword puzzle together.

The key as a caregiver is to approach each day with optimism and a desire to find creative solutions for any roadblock that appears.

4. Flexibility

Even when you have the day planned out, you need to maintain a flexible attitude when it comes to your job as a caregiver. For instance, if your client is having a bad day, physically or mentally, it can derail your plans. In these instances, it’s important to adapt quickly to the changing situation and ensure you’re meeting your client’s needs in the moment.

In addition, it is essential to adapt your personality to the particular client you’re taking care of. For instance, if you tend to be outgoing and extroverted and your client prefers quiet and calm, you may need to be more reserved so that they feel comfortable.

5. Dependability

Clients and families alike are depending on you for a consistent and reliable level of care. It’s critical to arrive on time and adhere to each individual’s personalized care plan. Over time, this will show both your client and their family that you are trustworthy and dependable, which is essential to forming a strong bond with both.

6. A Good Attitude

There are times when the job of caregiving can be sad or stressful. This includes when a client is severely ill or nearing the end of life. However, you must maintain a positive attitude throughout and understand the importance of the care you are delivering. You are making their journey easier, as well as their family’s, serving as an invaluable source of help and support along the way.

We Offer Access to Rewarding Caregiver Jobs

The need for home caregivers is on the rise. More and more of the country’s population is aging, and they want to remain in their own homes where they feel safe and comfortable. Your job as a caregiver is to empower and enable them to do that, improving their quality of life in the process. You’re also helping their family by providing respite breaks, making life easier for everyone.

If you’re looking for a job as a caregiver, FirstLight® Home Care is hiring. We’re always on the lookout for compassionate, experienced and reliable caregivers to add to our team. If you have the traits above and want to work in home care, consider joining us.

Some of the advantages of working for FirstLight Home Care include:

  • Competitive pay and access to the industry’s best home care training and technology.
  • A flexible schedule so you can choose the hours that align with your personal needs and lifestyle.
  • Systems for feedback, additional learning opportunities and career development.
  • A range of positions, from caregivers to PCA, CNA, case manager, scheduler, networking manager and more.

At FirstLight Home Care, our caregivers are the heart and soul of our company. We couldn’t help our clients without them and it’s why we take such good care of our team. We’re dedicated to providing rewarding and meaningful jobs as caregivers, along with advanced training, competitive pay and a fun and supportive work culture.

If you’re looking for caregiver jobs, consider joining our team. Simply contact your local FirstLight® Home Care today to learn more about positions in your area.

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Understanding Our Services: Personal Care Thu, 13 May 2021 11:15:15 +0000 Do you have a loved one with physical challenges or a chronic condition? Personal care can help with daily activities, like bathing, dressing, eating and getting ready for bed.

At FirstLight® Home Care, we always provide these services with the utmost care and respect, ensuring your loved one’s dignity and comfort are maintained. We want to keep our clients looking and feeling their best and can achieve this in many ways, including help with:

Getting Ready for the Day

If your loved one has trouble bathing or dressing, it can be awkward for you both when you try to help. Instead, let one of our professional caregivers step in to handle these situations. You’ll have peace of mind knowing your loved one’s personal needs are met in a way that reduces frustration and improves hygiene and safety.

We offer experienced, compassionate professionals who know how to support your loved one in a way that makes them feel safe and comfortable. They can help in many areas of personal care and hygiene, including showering or bathing, dressing, shaving, assisting with brushing teeth, denture care and other areas.

Getting Around During the Day

For many of our personal care clients, walking and mobility are a challenge. If that is true for your family member, our caregivers can keep them safe and ensure they always have the extra help they need. Common activities we assist with include:

  • Getting into or out of bed
  • Going up or down the stairs
  • Getting into or out of a vehicle
  • Safely navigating the house

Our caregivers know how to help those with physical limitations in a way that’s comfortable for them. You can rest assured knowing your loved one is in the capable hands of a professional who is watching out for their safety around the home.

Good posture is important for proper circulation and digestion. Our caregivers can help your loved one maintain good posture during the day as they’re walking or sitting.. Whether they’re reading, eating or watching TV, our caregivers can offer reminders and help with repositioning.

Eating Well and Maintaining a Proper Diet

Our caregivers can also help your loved one maintain a proper diet by shopping for groceries and preparing meals. We can follow specific requests or special diets (such as low sodium or heart healthy), so your loved one is consuming the right foods and is able to keep up their strength and health.

With our personal care services, our team can also assist individuals while eating if they have any physical or mental challenges that prevent them from feeding themselves. Every step of the way, your loved one will be treated with extreme care and sensitivity, so they feel secure and respected.

Getting Ready for Bed

Just as we do during a morning personal care routine, we can help your loved one prepare for bedtime. If they prefer to bathe or shower during the evening, we will provide the right level of support they need during the process. We can also help with dressing and undressing, dental care and getting into bed, so they are comfortable and get a good night’s rest.

We’re Here When You Need Us with Personal Care

With personal care from FirstLight Home Care, we can meet a variety of scheduling needs. Our team can provide comfort, care and attention to your loved one all day, every day. Our caregivers can even stay overnight and will remain ready to respond to any immediate needs.

In addition, if your family is looking for a respite break, we’re available to help during the days, evenings, overnight, on weekends and even during the holidays. Our services are offered on a part-time and full-time basis and can be adjusted at any time if your loved one’s condition changes.

Some of the people we provide personal care for include:

  • Seniors. If you have an elderly loved one who needs extra support to live at home, our caregivers can help. We offer the daily and overnight assistance they need to remain in their homes, living as independently as possible and with complete dignity.
  • Disabled Adults. If a loved one has a physical disability or mental limitations, our team can assist in many personal care areas, from meal preparation and eating to mobility, hygiene and more. We can also help during an upcoming trip with our travel companion service, providing the same level of personal care throughout the journey.
  • Veterans. Our caregivers help veterans and their families in need. Whether your loved one was injured in the field and requires extra help during the day, or your spouse is deployed, you can trust our team for dependable and compassionate caregivers.
  • Those Recovering. When a family member is recovering after surgery or an illness, we can take care of them in many ways, including with personal care. They’ll feel better, have more confidence and can get on the road to recovery.

Whether you need us for a few hours each week, during the day or 24/7, we’re happy to create a personalized care plan that meets your needs and provides the right level of help and support, wherever you call home.

If you’re looking for personal care services, contact your local FirstLight Home Care today. We can help with many daily activities, improving your loved one’s safety, well-being and quality of life.

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