Senior Care – FirstLight Home Care Tue, 02 Apr 2024 15:53:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 FirstLight – The Benefits of Private Home Care Thu, 28 Mar 2024 13:00:00 +0000 If you have a parent or loved one that needs a little extra help at home, it’s natural that you should want them to have the best support you can provide. For various reasons, however, it might not be possible for you to take it on yourself. In this case, it’s worth considering the benefits of private home care, so your loved one can continue feeling safe and secure in their own home.

Maintain Their Current Lifestyle

Most people like to be independent, and it can be hard to admit to needing help. That’s why professional caregivers will work with you and your loved one to make sure their wishes are respected and that support is provided for only and exactly what they need. This empowers them to make their own choices, retain their independence and keep doing the things they love to do.

Help Them Stay Home for Longer

Personalized senior care can offer all the benefits of nursing home care – such as hygiene care, nursing services and 24-hour emergency assistance – in the privacy and comfort of the family home. FirstLight caregivers can even provide help with housekeeping duties, including laundry, grocery shopping and transportation. Not only does this save the hassle of moving and downsizing, it can be especially beneficial if one partner does not want to leave another, or in the case of dementia or Alzheimer’s when unfamiliar situations might cause confusion and distress.

Time for You

One of the great benefits of private home care services is that in addition to choosing what services you need, you can also decide how often you need them. Although you might wish you could take care of your loved one yourself, if you have your own job, children or other commitments, it can be hard to fit it in or do it to the best of your ability. With some extra help from a professional and compassionate caregiver, whether for an hour, a day or even a week, you can reclaim a bit of time for yourself and be better able to enjoy the time you do spend with your loved one.

Specialized and Skilled Caregivers

One of the main challenges faced by caregivers is dealing with specific medical conditions that require specialist treatment and management. For example, you might need wheelchair assistance, dementia care, diabetes or incontinence support, or wound care and rehabilitation. With a specially-trained and qualified caregiver, you can be sure your loved one is getting the exact care that they need.

Peace of Mind

If your loved one suffers from declining health, then it’s understandable that you might worry about them. Perhaps they have appointments to make, medications to take, or a condition that might flare up at any time – any of these would be a cause for concern. But if a professional and familiar caregiver is always there, or is checking in regularly, you can relax knowing your precious family member is in safe hands.

Caregiver Support – FirstLight Home Care

When it comes to looking after your loved ones, the benefits of private home care go far beyond the practical. As well as a familiar face, FirstLight home carers provide peace of mind, specialist care and individual, friendly service. If you’d like to know more, reach out to our support team today – we’re ready to help.

Fall Festivities for Seniors: Enjoying the Season’s Celebrations | FirstLight Home Care Thu, 19 Oct 2023 19:17:22 +0000 The crisp air, changing colors of leaves and pumpkin spice everything can only mean one thing: fall is here! With the season in full swing, it’s time to start planning fall festivities for seniors. Whether it’s getting outside to enjoy the autumn air or staying cozy indoors, there are plenty of senior-friendly fall activities that can help older adults celebrate the season.

Senior Community Engagement in the Fall

Fall is a great time for seniors to engage with their local community. Many towns and cities host fall festivals and events that cater specifically to an older audience. These events are a great opportunity for seniors not only to get out and enjoy the season but also to socialize with other members of their community. It’s important for older adults to maintain social connections as they age, and fall festivities provide great opportunities for community engagement.

At most fall festivals and events, there are activities perfect for older adults. These events include hayrides, pumpkin patches and craft fairs. They offer a chance for seniors to get out and enjoy the cool fall weather while engaging in fun activities. FirstLight Home Care can help seniors attend these events by providing transportation and any necessary assistance.

Celebrating Fall at Home for Seniors

This is also a great time for seniors to enjoy the coziness of their own home. They can create a warm, welcoming atmosphere by using autumn colors and decorations, lighting candles and enjoying warm drinks like tea or cider. Seniors can also take advantage of the cooler temperatures to enjoy outdoor activities in their own backyard, such as gardening or birdwatching. By creating a cozy and inviting space, seniors can fully embrace the fall season and all that it has to offer.

5 Tips for Finding a Hobby to Fill the Fall Gap for Older Adults

The fall season is filled with exciting and vibrant celebrations that every senior can enjoy. But finding senior-friendly fall activities that are safe and fun can be a challenge. Chances are, you think more about hobbies at the beginning of the year—when resolving to try something new—than you do as autumn approaches. But for older adults, this time of year can represent a big gap: Summer has ended, and the holidays are still in the distance. Activities and visits from family can wane as fall begins, making it an ideal time to introduce or renew focus on a cherished hobby.

How can you find an activity that’s not only the right fit for the older adult in your life, but also provides health benefits? Here are FirstLight Home Care’s five tips for finding the right hobby to fill the fall gap.

Go with what you know (and love).

The simplest activity to incorporate into an older adult’s life may be the one they’re already familiar with or have dreamt about doing. Consider renewing a focus on an activity that may have been loved during years gone by but was put on the back burner when days were filled with working or raising children. Or dust off that bucket list and do something that’s always been a personal aspiration.

Be adaptable.

The physical or cognitive limitations that often come with aging don’t have to prevent older adults from enjoying activities they love. Many hobbies can be adapted to changing abilities. For example, a person who used to spend hours in the garden could create a potted version on a deck or porch. A former runner could take up nature walking. Being adaptable can lead to new ways to enjoy old interests.

Get social.

Hobbies that involve social interaction can provide compelling health benefits. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, people who continue to interact socially live longer than their isolated counterparts. In fact, social interactions are shown to improve mental health, as well as protect against certain illnesses by boosting the immune system.

Move it.

There’s a mountain of medical evidence that physical activity is integral to good health. According to the National Institutes of Health, even moderate physical activity can help older adults prevent or delay disease, manage stress and improve mood. To maximize the health benefits, consider hobbies that incorporate physical activity. Popular, low-impact options for older adults include walking, swimming and Tai Chi.

Use your head.

According to the World Health Organization, common factors such as isolation, loss of independence and loneliness can take a significant toll on the mental health of older adults. And declining mental health can affect mood, energy, sleep, appetite and physical health. Hobbies that stimulate the mind—reading, music, puzzles, games and more—can help boost mental health. And they may also contribute to preserved mental function.

Safety Precautions for Seniors During Fall Festivities

As much fun as fall activities can be, it’s important for seniors to take certain precautions to stay safe. This includes dressing warmly for the weather, wearing comfortable shoes that provide good support and making sure to stay hydrated. It’s also important to avoid activities that may be too physically strenuous for older adults. FirstLight Home Care can help seniors stay safe by providing personal care services and accompanying seniors to fall events to ensure that they can participate safely.

Fall Festivities for Seniors | FirstLight Home Care

Fall is a season full of opportunities for seniors to engage with their community, stay active and enjoy the cozy atmosphere that comes with cooler temperatures. FirstLight Home Care can help seniors participate in fall festivities by providing personal care services, transportation and companionship. Whether it’s getting outside to enjoy the fall color or staying snug inside to create autumn crafts, there are plenty of senior-friendly fall activities to enjoy. Our Companion Care Services include visits, conversation, and help with recreational activities. To learn more, find a location near you today.

Approaching a Loved One About Home Care Services: A Guide to Effective Communication with FirstLight Home Care Services Fri, 16 Jun 2023 16:33:51 +0000 We recently hosted a webinar with Matt Paxton and guest Amy Goyer discussing how to navigate difficult conversations about aging. As individuals age, their needs change, and maintaining independence while ensuring safety can become a significant concern. Understanding the benefits of home care services, and considering specific options such as FirstLight Home Care Services, can make a significant difference in quality of life for both you and your loved ones. Beginning conversations about the potential for home care early and often can help with effective communication.

Understanding the Need for Home Care Services

Home care services provide an array of benefits, from help with daily activities like meal preparation and personal care to more specialized care. These services allow your loved ones to remain in the comfort of their homes, surrounded by familiar environments and family, while still receiving the support they need. It can promote independence, enhance well-being and provide peace of mind for family members knowing that loved ones are receiving the necessary care.

The need for home care services can arise due to several reasons:


As your loved one ages, daily tasks can become more challenging. Whether it’s due to declining mobility, cognitive impairments or chronic health conditions, seniors may find it increasingly difficult to take care of themselves independently. Professional home care can provide the necessary assistance to protect their safety and wellbeing without compromising their independence.

Health conditions

Certain health conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke or recovering from surgery can necessitate additional support at home. Home care professionals are trained to assist individuals with these conditions, ensuring they receive the appropriate care tailored to their unique needs.


Adults living with physical or intellectual disabilities may require assistance with daily tasks or specialized medical care. Professional home care services can provide this support, enhancing their quality of life, providing comfort, and ensuring safety.

Preparing for the Conversation

Discussing the need for home care services with a loved one can be a complex and emotional process. Therefore, careful planning for the conversation is crucial. Choosing an appropriate time and place for the discussion can go a long way in ensuring that the conversation is productive and comfortable for everyone involved.

The timing of the discussion is important. Be proactive and approach difficult topics carefully. It’s a significant conversation, and you don’t want to rush through it. The environment should be comfortable and familiar to your loved one to help them feel at ease. Privacy is also crucial to them so they can express their feelings and concerns openly.

Use “I” Statements

If you focus the conversation on yourself, it takes the pressure off of your loved one. Such as, “I’m doing this because I love you.” Give specific examples of why you feel your family member may need assistance. Make sure to validate your loved one’s feelings.


Consider having other family members or even a third party like a mediator to guide the conversation. It can be helpful to use an indirect approach and share examples about a friend’s parent who recently moved to assisted living or hired a caregiver and loved it.

Setting the Right Tone

Here are a few tips to help you maintain a loving and respectful tone:

Active Listening

Ensure that you are fully present during the conversation and that your loved one feels heard. Show your understanding through non-verbal cues, such as nodding and maintaining eye contact and verbal affirmations.

Open-Ended Questions

Ask open-ended questions to encourage dialogue and to understand your loved one’s perspective better. This could be questions like “How do you feel about receiving additional help at home?” or “What are your main concerns about home care services?” These questions demonstrate your interest in their feelings and thoughts.

Express Empathy

Acknowledge their emotions and validate their feelings. Phrases like “I understand that this might be difficult for you” or “It’s okay to have concerns about this change” can help your loved one feel more at ease and understood.

Offer Reassurance

Remind your loved one that the primary goal of considering home care services is their well-being and comfort. Reassure them that their dignity, preferences and independence will always be respected.

Be Patient

It’s important to remember that this is a significant change, and your loved one may need time to process the information. Don’t rush the conversation and be open to having multiple discussions if needed.

Show Unconditional Support

Let your loved one know that you’re there for them, regardless of the decisions made about their care. Remind them that you’re on their side and that their comfort and happiness are your priority.

Addressing Concerns and Resistance

When discussing home care services, loved ones may have several concerns or objections. Here are some common ones, along with empathetic responses that highlight the benefits of FirstLight Home Care services:

Loss of Independence

It’s important to reassure your loved one that home care services aim to enhance their independence, not diminish it. Services like those provided by FirstLight are designed to help them manage daily tasks more easily, allowing them to continue living independently at home.

Invasion of Privacy

The idea of having a caregiver in their home may feel intrusive to your loved one. You can address this by emphasizing the experience, compassion and respectfulness of FirstLight’s professional caregivers.

Feeling Vulnerable

Your loved one might be apprehensive about having a stranger care for them. It’s important to emphasize the rigorous selection process FirstLight uses when hiring caregivers, ensuring that they are not only qualified but also trustworthy and compassionate. FirstLight also takes care to match caregivers and clients based on personalities and interests, fostering a trusting relationship.

Financial Considerations

Talking about money with family can be uncomfortable, but it’s an important conversation to be had. There are many ways to figure out how to cover costs. AARP has a long-term care calculator, which helps compute the costs of long-term care by estimating costs of nursing homes, assisted living facilities and at-home caregivers in your area. There are long-term care insurance programs and agencies that can also be of service. If your loved one is a long distance away, having a caregiver can save money in the long run by not having to travel as often to visit for emergencies.

FirstLight Home Care – Senior Home Care Services

FirstLight Home Care Services go beyond basic physical care by also providing emotional support and companionship, which are vital components for overall well-being. We understand that every individual’s needs are different, and we tailor our services accordingly. By focusing on whole-person care, we can enhance the quality of life for your loved one, offering care, comfort and independence in the familiarity of their own home.

Why Long-Term Care is Important: FirstLight Home Care’s Services Explained Mon, 22 May 2023 20:22:16 +0000 As your loved ones age and their health needs change, it can be difficult to know how best to provide the necessary care. At FirstLight Home Care, we understand that long-term care is important in helping maintain quality of life while providing peace of mind for family members.

What is Long-Term Care?

Long-term care helps patients “live as independently and safely as possible when they can no longer perform everyday activities on their own,” according to the National Institute on Aging. Typically, long-term in-home care is provided by unpaid family and friends. This type of care can be anything from light housekeeping, meal preparation and transportation to bathing, grooming and eating assistance. states that Medicare and other health insurance plans do not provide long-term care insurance because most long-term care isn’t considered medical care. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management provides long-term care insurance under the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP).

Why Is Long-Term Care Important?

 For many seniors who wish to remain in their own homes for as long as possible—known as “aging in place”—long-term care is essential for ensuring their safety and comfort. For example, if your loved one has difficulty getting up from a chair without assistance or relies on help with basic grooming tasks like bathing and brushing teeth, they could greatly benefit from having someone come into the home to provide such services on a regular basis. This type of personalized attention helps seniors maintain their independence while also providing peace of mind to family members who may not be able to visit as often as they would like.

Who Needs Long-Term Care

There are many reasons why someone may need caregivers. says that “about 60% of adults will need assistance with things like getting dressed, driving to appointments, or making meals.”


The older a person gets, the more likely they are to need help.


Women live longer than men, so they have a greater chance of needing care.

Relationship status

People who are single are more likely than married people to need help from friends, family or a hired professional.


Unhealthy habits, lack of exercise and poor diet can cause someone to need help sooner.


People with a family history of certain health conditions may have an increased need for long-term care.

FirstLight Home Care’s Long-Term Care Services

FirstLight Home Care provides long-term care services to those who need it. Whether or not your loved one has long-term care insurance, we are here to help.

We provide care for those needing extra support with basic activities of daily living (ADLs), such as:

  • Bathing
  • Dressing
  • Toileting
  • Transferring (getting in and out of bed or chair)
  • Eating
  • Continence

We also provide services for instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), including:

  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
  • Transportation
  • Laundry
  • Managing Finances

FirstLight Home Care – Long-Term In-Home Care

At FirstLight Home Care, we offer both short-term and long-term solutions tailored specifically to each senior’s unique needs and preferences. Our compassionate caregivers provide everything from respite care and companionship to personal care services—all within the comfort and security of your loved one’s home. If you think your loved one could benefit from our long-term care solutions, please don’t hesitate to reach out today! Our team is always here to help answer any questions you might have about our services or how we can best support your family’s needs going forward.

Celebrating Older Americans Month: How FirstLight Home Care Supports Senior Independence Mon, 15 May 2023 19:00:26 +0000 May is Older Americans Month! While it’s a time of celebration, Older Americans Month serves as a reminder that our seniors deserve love, care and respect. As family caregivers, it’s important for us to support their independence and celebrate their lives.

What is Older Americans Month?

The Administration For Community Living created Older Americans Month in 1963 (a time in which only 17 million Americans were over the age of 65). As of today, The Washington Post reports that there are 55.7 million people in that category.

The purpose of Older Americans Month is to showcase the contributions of older adults in America and how they are appreciated in society. It’s a time to recognize the contributions of older Americans and think about how we can work together to support and value people over the age of 65. The theme for 2023 is Aging Unbound, which highlights how growing older comes with diverse experiences and how we can combat stereotypes. It’s meant to remind us that you are never too old (or young) to take part in activities that can enrich your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. It also celebrates the ways in which older adults positively impact our communities.

Why Is Senior Care And Independence Important?

One of the main challenges that seniors face is the loss of independence, which can stem from various factors, such as physical limitations, cognitive decline or chronic health conditions. Social isolation is one of the most significant threats to senior health and happiness. We believe that seniors’ well-being depends on their engagement with their communities and continued pursuit of meaningful activities.

How Can FirstLight Home Care Assist Seniors?

There are many ways that FirstLight Home Care supports senior independence. We start by getting to know each of our clients on a personal level and tailoring our services to meet their specific needs and preferences. We offer a wide range of home care services, including personal care, companion care, dementia care, respite care and more.

Tips For Celebrating Older Americans Month

  • Don’t worry about what other people think
  • Make every day count
  • Don’t take yourself too seriously
  • Be forgiving
  • Do things you love
  • Show up every day
  • Enjoy life
  • Learn a new hobby
  • Spend time with those you love
  • Go outside and get fresh air
  • Volunteer
  • Eat well
  • Ask for help when you need it
  • Work if you want to (you don’t have to retire)

FirstLight Home Care – Senior Home Care Services

At FirstLight Home Care, we believe in supporting our elderly community members by providing home care and senior care services that promote mental and physical wellness for our elderly loved ones and their families. Find a location near you to learn more.

Brain Injury Awareness Month – FirstLight Home Care Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:02:39 +0000 March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and if you’re caring for a family member with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), there’s no better time to educate yourself on what to do in your role as a TBI caregiver. Being the main source of support and care for brain injury patients can be a long road, but it’s important to remember that every situation is different and there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every year, approximately 2.87 million people in the United States sustain a brain injury. Of those people, 275,000 end up hospitalized, while 1.365 million are treated and released from an emergency room.

Brain Injury Association of America

First and foremost, it’s important to educate yourself as one of many TBI caregivers about brain injuries and their effects. The more you know about what your loved one is going through, the better equipped you’ll be to provide them with the proper care to recover. The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) is a great resource for information, especially during Brain Injury Awareness Month, on all aspects of care for brain injury patients, from causes and symptoms to treatment and recovery.

When providing care for brain injury patients, it’s important to help them regain as much independence as possible. This can be a slow and gradual process, but even small accomplishments can make a big difference in their quality of life. Encourage your loved one to participate in activities they enjoy and assist them with anything they may need help with.

It’s also important to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. Caregiving can be taxing, especially when providing long-term care for brain injury patients, so make sure to schedule regular breaks for yourself and reach out to other family members or friends for support when needed. The BIAA also has a variety of resources available for caregivers, so be sure to check them out.

Finally, don’t hesitate to seek professional caregiving help if you feel like you’re in over your head. There are many home care providers, like FirstLight, that offer services specifically to assist in the care for brain injury patients.

Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries in Elderly People

Traumatic brain injuries are a serious and potentially life-altering condition that can affect individuals of all ages. However, TBIs can be particularly devastating for elderly people, as they may be more susceptible to falls and other accidents that can cause significant head trauma.

There are many different causes of TBIs in elderly people, but falls are by far the most common. According to the CDC, falls are responsible for more than half of all TBIs among adults aged 65 and older.

Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries

TBIs can have a wide range of effects, depending on the severity and location of the injury. Some common symptoms TBI caregivers should look for in their elderly loved ones include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Fatigue
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Personality changes

Brain Injury Prevention Tips

Preventing TBIs in elderly people is crucial, as these injuries can have serious and lasting effects that possibly require long-term care for brain injury patients. To help prevent a TBI or further damage to the brain of someone experiencing a TBI already, here are some tips.

  • Remove tripping hazards from the home, such as loose rugs and clutter
  • Install grab bars and handrails in bathrooms and other areas where falls are common
  • Encourage regular exercise to improve balance and strength
  • Make sure they wear appropriate protective gear and proper footwear when participating in certain physical activities

Recovery Tips for TBI Caregivers

If you are a caregiver for someone who has sustained a brain injury, you may be feeling overwhelmed. It is important to know that you are not alone; there are many resources available to help you care for your loved one. Below are a few tips to help you care for a TBI patient.

Prepare The Home

It may be hard for your loved one to get around like they did prior to having a TBI, especially if they are undergoing long-term care for brain injury. Installing ramps, a roll-in shower and making doors/entryways wider may be a good idea if they are now getting around with the help of a wheelchair or walker.

Manage Your Loved One’s Stress

Encourage the person you are caring for to release frustration around symptoms of a TBI by listening to calming music, participating in yoga, meditating or enjoying nature.

Establish A Routine

Getting enough sleep is crucial to promoting recovery and healing of the brain. Establish a bedtime and morning routine and minimize screen time, caffeine and alcohol to promote healing.

Keep Track Each Day

Writing down day-to-day activities for your loved one and having them journal too will help with their memory and provide information for doctors.

FirstLight Home Care – Traumatic Injury Home Care Services

This Brain Injury Awareness Month, reach out to FirstLight to find the perfect caregiver to help with activities of daily living for your loved ones who need traumatic injury care at home following a brain injury, neck or spinal cord trauma or a musculoskeletal injury. Specialty care services may vary by location. Please find your nearest location today to discuss which services are available.

Spring Activities For Seniors & Caregivers – FirstLight Senior Home Care Tue, 14 Mar 2023 14:46:17 +0000 After months of colder weather and gray skies in many parts of the country, springtime is a welcomed season for loved ones in senior home care. It can be especially refreshing for older adults who have spent the winter indoors with at home senior care. Fresh air, warmth and sunshine can play an important role in renewing the spirit and enhancing quality of life. Here are some spring activities for seniors that will help your loved ones enjoy the great outdoors alongside their at home senior care companion.

Top 7 Fun Spring Activities For Seniors

To help older adults who are typically inside with at home senior care, we’ve compiled some ideas for outdoor activities that can help rejuvenate mind, body and soul.

Take a walk.

Studies have shown that even 10 minutes of walking each day can help older adults maintain strength and agility. Many local parks and nature trails have options for people with varying levels of mobility. Even a simple stroll around the neighborhood to take in the scenery can be just the right change of pace.

Visit a farmers market.

There’s so much to see and sample at a farmers market. Plus, you can take home some fresh veggies for a healthy meal. Check out the National Farmers Market Directory for a location near you.

Go on a picnic.

A little creativity can turn even the most routine activities into adventures. Try turning your next meal into a picnic. Grab a blanket and head to your favorite park. Bring a friend and share a meal together in the fresh air.

Eat outdoors at your favorite restaurant.

If a picnic in the park doesn’t appeal to you, how about dinner at a nice restaurant that offers outdoor seating? Add good company, delicious food and ambiance, and you’ve got the recipe for a lovely night out.

Install a bird feeder.

Once the birds start chirping, you know spring has arrived. An abundant food source will help attract these feathered friends to your yard. Buy a bird feeder (or if you’re handy, build one) and install it near a window.

Plant a garden.

If you like to get your hands dirty, consider planting a garden. Aside from being able to reap what you sow, gardening is a great form of exercise and can reduce stress.

Get some exercise.

Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous; low-impact activities like walking, yoga, swimming and water aerobics can help with flexibility, balance and strength. The National Institute on Aging offers a guide that can help you get started.

FirstLight Home Care – Senior Home Care Services

Springtime is the perfect opportunity for families around the nation to do something different and energize their loved ones. We also understand that everyone needs a little assistance sometimes, which is why our at home senior care options are available to help your loved ones enjoy all spring has to offer. Find a location near you to learn more about our senior home care services today. For more ideas and tips, follow us on Facebook.

Senior Winter Safety Tips You Need to Know – FirstLight Home Care Wed, 15 Feb 2023 19:56:34 +0000 Depending on where you live, the weather outside can get pretty frightful during the winter months. Plunging temperatures, snow and ice can pose problems both indoors and out. This can put older adults at a higher risk for injuries and other weather-related health issues. You can minimize cold-weather dangers simply by being prepared with safety tips for winter seasons. All it takes is a little planning and attention to your surroundings. Following are some winter safety tips for seniors—and their caregivers.

How To Minimize Risk With Winter Safety Tips For Seniors

Freezing temps bring snow and icy walkways, which can be extremely dangerous for elderly friends and family members. It’s important to be extra careful outdoors this time of year. Here are a few safety tips for winter season fall prevention:

Attraction to traction. 

Make sure footwear is suitable for winter weather. Check the traction and fit. Consider anti-slip overshoes or use non-slip treads on your existing shoes. Lined boots with good traction will also keep you safe and warm.

The salt of the Earth.

It’s important to keep salt on hand so you can sprinkle it on walkways without having to risk a fall outside. Make sure the sidewalk, driveway, front walk and front steps are salted.

Get your grip!

Take advantage of railings and loved one’s arms when offered. This will keep you more stable as you make your way up and down stairs.

Take your time.

Hurrying when leaving your home, getting on and off the bus, crossing the street or unloading your car can put you at risk of falling. Take your time and pay attention to steps, curbs, ramps and patches of ice.

Strengthen your legs.

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do for fall prevention. Simple moves done in the home, even from a sitting position, will help build muscle and keep you steadier so you don’t lose your balance.

Most Common Causes of Injury For Seniors in Winter

While cold weather mishaps are not entirely avoidable, knowing what can cause injuries before they happen and winter safety tips to prevent them is half the battle. Below are more winter safety tips for seniors to help prevent injury:


Seniors are more prone to injury from a slip or fall. In fact, the CDC reports that falls are the leading cause of injury for adults ages 65 and older. Snow and ice can compound the problem, making even a simple walk to the mailbox treacherous. The best protection is to stay indoors when sidewalks and roads are covered in winter white.


Shoveling snow is a job everyone loves to hate. And for older adults, it may be a job best left to someone else. Data from the Cleveland Clinic shows that shoveling snow sends more than 11,000 people to the hospital each year. For many, shoveling can cause orthopedic injury. For others, it can trigger a heart attack. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. If you must shovel, work in short shifts, don’t overload the shovel and dress in warm layers to protect yourself from the elements.

Hypothermia and frostbite

Frigid temperatures can be more than unbearable—they can be downright dangerous. If you’re going to be outside for an extended period of time, you need to be dressed for the weather—heavy coat, hat, gloves, scarf, warm socks and boots. Without the proper attire, you risk frostbite on exposed skin and an unsafe drop in body temperature, known as hypothermia, which can result in death. Older adults are at a higher risk of hypothermia due to changes that happen as your body ages. Your best bet is to keep the inside temperature of your home at 65 degrees or warmer and limit outside exposure to short trips.


Have your vehicle serviced and winterized so it’s ready for less-than-optimal driving conditions. Be sure to check the oil, antifreeze, tires, battery and wipers. Assemble an emergency kit to keep in your trunk with a few basic supplies: blankets, jumper cables, windshield scraper, small shovel, rock salt or cat litter (for tire traction if you get stuck), water and non-perishable food, flashlight and first aid kit. If you must drive in winter weather, be especially careful on overpasses, bridges and ramps, which tend to freeze before roads. Consider taking an alternate route to avoid roads that aren’t well-traveled or cleared. Always take your cell phone so you can reach out for help in case of an emergency.

Home Heating

The best place to be on a cold, snowy day is in the warm comfort of your own home. Older adults come from a generation that’s familiar with and often prefers the use of alternate heat sources, such as fireplaces, gas heaters and wood stoves. But these sources can be hazardous if not safely managed. Before you fire up your heating devices for the season, make sure they’re properly maintained, cleaned and vented. If not, you run the risk of exposure to carbon monoxide. Make sure you have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home and frequently test the batteries. If you’re using a space heater, be sure to keep it at least three feet away from anything that can burn (curtains, rugs, bedding, etc.).

FirstLight Home Care – Senior Home Care Services

The best winter safety tips for seniors are to be aware of cold-weather risks and ask for help when needed. Whether it’s assistance with snow removal, a ride to the grocery store or doctor’s appointment, or help arranging a service technician for your car or home heating device, you don’t have to tackle these tasks on your own. FirstLight can help. With awareness, pre-planning and winter safety tips, you can safely maintain independence at home, no matter what challenges Old Man Winter throws your way.

Need home care but don’t know where to start? Take the first step with our Caregiving 101 webinar Mon, 28 Nov 2022 19:38:39 +0000 Caregiving 101: How to Know When to Ask for Help

8 p.m. EST Nov. 30, 2022

Sign up here.

Millions of adults across the country have found themselves in the position of taking on a caregiver role for a family member. The caregiving journey can be demanding and complex, and it often comes with many questions.

This live webinar features author, entrepreneur and TV personality Matt Paxton as our host and moderator. 

Our FirstLight panel of experts include:

Molly Johnson – Silicon Valley, CA and TriValley, CA

Jacqueline O’Quinn – North St. Louis, MO

Lisa Price – Columbia, SC and North Columbia, SC

Michael Senchak – Treasure Coast, FL, Vero Beach, FL and The Valley OH

Matt and our panel will discuss how to know when it’s time to ask for caregiving help and some of the most common questions people have when they consider bringing in a caregiver.

Sign up here.

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Senior Home Care – When Is The Right Time for Senior Care and Caregiver Services? Tue, 22 Nov 2022 18:43:54 +0000 Many adults wonder when it’s time to find in-home care for a loved one. If you find yourself stopping over more often to check on your aging parents or other family members, now may be the time to look at senior home care options.

During National Home Care and Family Caregivers Month, we want to recognize the more than 50 million family caregivers across America, according to AARP. Family caregivers investing their time is admirable and fulfilling. As your parents cared for and supported you, you’re now returning the love you’ve received over the years. Eventually, you might begin to feel stress and frustration as you’re spending more time with them while the rest of your life feels out of balance. Sadly, your loved one is probably also feeling the strain as they worry about their inability to live independently.

If you notice that mom, dad or another at-risk family member requires more support than you can provide, what do you do?

Signs It Might Be Time To Consider Senior Home Care & Caregiver Services

When your loved one’s needs have extended beyond a little bit of extra support, it’s a good time to consider in-home care. Here are some specific signs to look for as family caregivers:

They Need Help with Personal Hygiene

 If you’re noticing a change in your loved one’s dressing or bathing habits, it could be an early sign of a decline in their health, particularly for those with dementia.

They’re Not Safe on Their Own

Potential safety issues are another warning sign it’s time to consider senior home care. Situations like multiple slips and falls, worsening health conditions, chronic forgetfulness or not eating regularly can be red flags that professional care is needed.

They’re Missing Doctor’s Appointments

With age, comes more visits to the doctor. If, however, your loved one is missing appointments because it’s not safe for them to drive, then consider an in-home care professional to help with transportation.

They’re Bored and Lonely

Chronic isolation has a negative impact on physical, emotional and mental health. If you struggle to carve out enough time in your day to keep your loved one engaged and in good company, it’s time to consider an in-home caregiver. Companion care can include visiting with your loved one, playing games or cards and having a meal together.

You’re Seeing Changes in Their Personality 

If a loved one is acting differently or seems “off,” it could be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. You might start to notice it in the form of erratic behavior, withdrawal from social conversation or trouble with basic housekeeping and maintenance.

You Can’t Keep Up

There are only so many hours in each day. Family caregivers have so much to balance. It’s hard to keep up with your own family and home, as well as your loved one’s. If it’s becoming increasingly difficult and exhausting to keep up with, consider hiring senior home care.

Factors To Consider When Looking For A Home Care Agency

Caring for the people you love can be an honor, but it can quickly become an overwhelming task, too. It’s natural to want your loved ones to have the best possible care and passing that responsibility to someone else can involve some hard decisions.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while researching care for your parents:

Assess their current needs

The first step to keep in mind is what your parents need physically and mentally. It’s not uncommon for seniors to require a little extra assistance for day-to-day tasks, but are they struggling more with a specific task? What about their mental health? Do you find your parent is becoming forgetful, or maybe even lonely?

There are multiple caregiving options available (personal care, memory care, companion care, travel care), so it’s important to take note of your parent’s needs before choosing a home care service.

Look for an extraordinary caregiver

It can be difficult to accept the fact that you need to find extra care for your parents because you can’t do it all yourself. While researching care for your parents, take time to look for a caregiver who is patient, compassionate, detail-oriented and present.

How To Talk To Your Parents About Home Care      

Because this is National Home Care and Family Caregivers Month, we want to highlight useful tips to help you to start the home care conversation with your loved ones:

Do not wait for a crisis to start the conversation.

 Start talking about home care solutions now so that you can ask your loved one how they would like to address the issue when the time comes.

Address your concerns.

Be open and honest with your feelings and the challenges you have juggling your home life, career and their care. According to a recent study by Genworth, 55 percent of Americans say being a burden on their family is their biggest concern regarding long-term care issues. Take this into consideration when approaching your parent about accepting in-home help.

Show Empathy.

Change is scary. When talking with your parents, try to understand how they could be feeling. It is important to realize that this change may feel like they are losing control of their independence. By showing empathy and listening to them, it will allow for a conversation to occur where you can discuss alternatives that help them retain what control they have left.

Focus on the advantages and benefits.

Any conversation you have about caregiving should focus on why home care is a good thing. Instead of concentrating on why your loved one needs assistance, point out the benefits of having a caregiver there to support their personal needs and care.

Explore home care options together.

Include your aging parents in the process of finding the best solutions for them. Allow them to be a part of the decision-making process. Let them look at the options and even meet with the home care company prior to making any final decisions.

Test the waters

Try hiring an outside caregiver for in-home help on a short-term basis for your respite care. This provides an opportunity to show your parents that having a caregiver is not something to fear and often leads to them being open to receiving ongoing care. 

FirstLight Home Care – Senior Home Caregiver Services

Out of the 50 million family caregivers in America, almost half are adult children helping their parents. While reflecting on National Family Caregivers Month, you may find this as good time to weigh your home care options. When you’re ready to talk with your elderly parents or family members about the benefits of in-home support, FirstLight Home Care is here to support you. We will work with you to create a caregiving partnership that is built on trust, communication and a special understanding of your family’s needs.

Wondering how to find the right in-home care company? Simply contact FirstLight® Home Care to find a local caregiver near you.

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