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Test your memory for Alzheimer’s

Are you concerned that you or or a loved one might be showing early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s is a progressive form of presenile dementia that is similar to senile dementia; however, Alzheimer’s generally begins to appear in people’s 40s and 50s.  The good news is that with early detection you can have a better chance of managing the disease and living the fullest life possible for years to come.

One of the best ways to determine if you are showing early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease is to do self-basement tests.  Self-basement tests are a great way to test your cognitive ability and help you spot the small problem areas that might be arising in you or your loved one’s lives.  Remember that these tests are only base level tests and require a doctor to confirm any finding you may have. Below we have listed our top five favorite self-basement tests from around the internet. Simply click on one of the links to take the test and see if you or a loved one is showing early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Dr. Oz Self-Basement Test
Dr. Oz has become a household name in the medical field due to his medical knowledge, respect in the field, and popular TV show.  Click the link below to take a self-basement
test he endorses on his website that was created by Department of Veterans Affairs St. Louis University Mental Status.

Dr. Oz Test

Hand Drawing Test
Drawing is a great way to test an individuals hand-eye coordination and ability to transfer their thoughts onto paper.  Below is a link to a test known as the Alzheimer’s Clock Draw Test.  Make sure you have a pen and paper ready to take the test.

Clock Draw Test

The SAGE test is a 15 minute hand written test that helps detect early signs of Alzheimer’s.  This test is one of the best tools to self asses you or your loved one’s current mental state in association with Alzheimer’s.


The TYM (Test Your Memory) Test
The TYM Test is a five minute cognitive test that consists of 10 simple tasks.  The test helps you quickly and easily test your cognitive ability. You will need to have a scoring sheet for the test which is provided in the link below the test link.

TYM Test

Scoring Sheet

The Mini-Cog Test
The Mini-Cog test is a short three part test that helps detect early signs of Alzheimer’s and related dementia.  Research has shown that this test is around 83% accurate.

Mini-Cog Test

Learn More About Alzheimer’s
If you are concerned about your results and want to learn more about Alzheimer’s, check out our website here.

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