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5 Best Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy

Lifestyle and family history both play an important role in the health of your heart.  As we all know, living with heart disease or any other heart condition may be ultimately debilitating and decrease your life span.  The good thing from all this, is that most heart conditions can be prevented and/or managed if you know the proper lifestyle adjustments required.  Explained, are five of the best ways to keep your heart healthy.

5 Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy

  1. Know your family history.  Heart conditions do run in the family, and the earlier you know there is history of heart conditions, the sooner you can work to prevent it from happening to you.  Make sure to inform your physician of any history of heart disease, such as high blood pressure or cholesterol, or any other irregular heart condition patterns seen in your family.
  2. Keep your diet on track.  There are a number of ways to make sure you are following heart healthy guidelines within your diet.  A balanced diet is important, and there are many foods that are recommended to stay away from.  A great source to find this information is
  3. Inactivity is a major risk factor for heart disease. Those who are inactive have a 35% greater risk of high blood pressure.  Exercise makes the heart stronger, which in turn allows it to pump blood more readily throughout your body.  A vigorous exercise program shows the most decreased risk of heart disease, but any exercise will benefit your heart and your health.
  4. Don’t Smoke!  Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors.  Smoking can damage blood vessels and other parts of the heart’s functions.
  5. Get regular health screenings.  It is important to have a physical yearly and to include screens for high blood pressure and cholesterol.  Many insurance companies will set up time at the work place to also do this type of screening.  Schedule whatever works best from you and make sure to keep up to date information on your heart’s health.

Maintaining a healthy heart should be a first priority in life.  Consider it a positive lifestyle
change, and embrace the healthy living that goes along with it.

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